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This Board... - Six-Pack - 07-02-2003

I think it may be part of FTL's vision of having a less authoritative parent like figure standing over the board and lecturing everyone, but what do I know, not like I can read his mind.

The point about the chat threads is that very few people do join in. It's a pointless act who's only purpose is to show others publicly that people may like talking to you, when in reality no one cares.

Rooner--You get points for getting the G.I. Joe up there quickly, but isn't there anything better than those busts?

PS--Mad props to FLock for making an effort to improve the board with all the relative threads he's started.

This Board... - KensPen - 07-02-2003

I don't think chat threads are in themselves bad....
depending on what qualifies as "chat"
or how easily others may join....

the Mylf Gip thumb wrestling dialogue bored the shit out of me....

other convos if they are fairly open ended are not so bad.,
in my humble opinion.

This Board... - Rooner - 07-02-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Six-Pack

Rooner--You get points for getting the G.I. Joe up there quickly, but isn't there anything better than those busts?

The problem is that snake eyes and storm shadow were my two favorites and I couldnt decide who I wanted to post. This better?
[Image: favtoy-gijoe-snakeeyes2.jpg]
[Image: stormshadow.JPG]

This Board... - FollowThisLogic - 07-02-2003

It's the "if no one's posting anyway, what's the harm?" theory that I really hate.

People aren't posting because they come here, read some threads, see that they have no fucking clue what's going on because it's ALL chatting and inside jokes, then decide that the board sucks and don't bother coming back.

If you want to have a few boring chat threads, fine, have your boring chat threads.


When chat threads are ALL that exists, it fucking sucks.

I can't even remember the last time I read a thread in OT. I'm only in this one because Six-Pack linked me.

Fuck, it's at the point where I'd welcome TeenWeek's news stories with open arms, just to have SOMETHING posted that isn't a stupid bullshit thread.

It's sad, because I've put a bunch of work into this place, and find myself thinking along the lines of what Ninny said... that this place has just become a useless fucking wasteland.

I was working on a major new feature, and stopped it, halfway done, because I simply did not fucking care anymore. I figured the few people who did stick around on the board - the chatters - wouldn't give a shit about it anyway, so I didn't bother.

More traffic would be greatly appreciated, but I think it would also be helpful if more people posted more diverse threads. What happened to threads based on news stories? (With some commentary of course, not just a cut and paste job.) What happened to the threads where you post some stupid but hilarious Flash cartoon you randomly found on the internet?

There was a day when there was more than just stupid chats - and when people are longing for the past, 420, THAT is what the are longing for. It's not living in the past. It's knowing what a good board looks like. That good board just happens to be in the past.

This Board... - tinymike - 07-02-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Ninny

When shit started(and i am sorry to name names but i have to) with SLASH and Kenspen every active Mod and both Admins jumped the gun to try to prevent this \"derailing\" of threads you speak of.

Arpi came, he was banned bc his shit was useless and cluttering the board.

As for this U2U shit, yes i have tried that, ask Tinymike and Kenspen....I tried my best to do what i could but NO ONE would fucking listen bc frankly i don't think they really care at this point.

I was told i was being to \"harsh\" or \"taking shit too seriously\" so what did i do to better myself?...i gave the fuck up bc i can't get into an arguement over this or that everyday over threads, i can't warn countless people, i can't Hole EVERYONE it will not accomplish a goddamned thing. So i have just sat back and let the stupid fucks that are posters(you know who you are) destroy the board. I didn't create this place, i wasn't even on i don't know shit from shit about any of you, nor do i pretend to. Do whatever the fuck you want right now this place is marked D.O.A.

Okay....I'm gonna stop biting my tongue here for a minute. Ninny, you have some fucking nerve. Absolutely some fuckin nerve.

"I tried my best to do what i could but NO ONE would fucking listen bc frankly i don't think they really care at this point."
You DID NOT TRY YOUR BEST. You took upon yourself to be a fuckin dictator and decide what board policy was and do what ever the fuck you wanted. You deleted posts and threads without giving any thought to it. When you first u2u'ed me, I was more than willing to listen but when I realized that you weren't being equal, that's when I said FUCK YOU and continued. Not because "I didn't give a shit". Unbeknownst to you, I was in contact with the powers that be as to whether or not my posts were appropriate. And neither of them objected. But for some reason YOU took it upon yourself to decide they were not appropriate. I think "being harsh" was an understatement.

You're probably rolling your eyes right now and muttering "fuck you" and "whatever" to me as you read this but I don't care.

As for the nature of the board, yes, it has died down. Old timers from OA came on, saw the childish nature of what was going on and decided that they were over it and didn't need to stick around.

If you want to have a productive board where people post, I hvae to agree that people need to stay on topic. If the we're talking about a subject, stop digressing into other topics. if you feel it necessary to post other things in a post, start your own thread. And the MODS should watch what they delete. What you deem "silly and childish" may actually be something that someone else wants to read. For instance - Kens post. I personally don't care for them (no offense Ken). I find the subject matter irrelevant or silly.What do I do? I don't post in them. But others seem to enjoy interacting with his threads. So be it.

My point here is that the board is what you make of it. If it's chats, then keep it to chat threads. If it's topical, stay on topic. If you think something is funny or worth posting, go for it. Let others decide if it's funny or not or worth adding to. Worst case, the thread will slip down the list and die a quiet and peaceful death.

Ninny's bullshit theory of "only 10 views and 2 replies, so I deleted it" was a lame excuse for deleting threads. Let them die naturally and do clean up later.

This Board... - 60FeetUnderWater - 07-02-2003

FTL - it's posts like the one above that is needed sometimes to steer things in the desired direction. I appreciate the attempt to be a hands off admin, I really do however...with all the power you have here you also have RESPONSIBILITY.

Blame yourselves for allowing this place to become something you don't care about. If you choose to sit back and not take the reins when necessary, like I said earlier, this place will become whatever the newer folks make it.

But, ok, the few of us that remain here, should we all just pack it up and leave?

I see old schoolers like Brain, MYLF, GIP or Sloats hangin' around, posting away. I read and try to deduce via their posts what kind of flavah is accepted...

I don't know man...I don't know what else to tell you.

Also - why do I all of the sudden feel as if I'm defending all us new folk...I ain't no Al Sharpton. damn it. Wink

and another thing - I've tried opening threads but they suck I I sit back and let others do so...I make my jokes (as awfully corny as they are), my show references (oh, how I miss my old status...wah. Wink ) and just try to follow the one rule you guys remind us of on top of the home page:

"Have Fun".

This Board... - FollowThisLogic - 07-02-2003

Quote:Originally posted by fhore twentee
Blame yourselves for allowing this place to become something you don't care about. If you choose to sit back and not take the reins when necessary, like I said earlier, this place will become whatever the newer folks make it.
Take control, people call you a control freak, a Nazi.

Don't take control, the place gets shitty and out of hand.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. And both of these things have happened in this board's extremely short history.

This board should have its own personality. Not a CDIH chat haven. Not forced-Disneyland with Gestapo stay-on-topic tactics.

But it's been seen with this group of people - any introduction of any form of authority is thrown back in the faces of said authority........ it makes it such that the authority just doesn't want to hear the bullshit anymore, and just gives up. This is exactly what has happened.

Perhaps some sort of pact between the mods and members? A mutual agreement that you're given freedom, but when we tell you to cut the shit, it's for a reason, and you do it without complaining about why or the specific person that told you to stop....

It's a thought... could work...

This Board... - sweet angel - 07-02-2003

I like this board. I liked the O&A board (I didn't join til probably late 2001) to an extent, and I enjoyed CDIH until it became a huge where you were either "in" or "out".

I'm not going to lie and say that I'm a huge O&A fan because, frankly, I didn't have much of an opportunity to listen to them. I heard a few bits that I thought were really hysterical, and a few that I thought weren't.

I have "friends" here that I "met" through O&A, some of whom never made it over to CDIH.

It's not my place to say what's wrong or right with this board. Yeah, it's been slow lately. But my theory is, if I see a thread I have an interest in, or something to say, I'll read/post. If not, then I move on. Also, it's summer, and people (generally speaking) are inside less and have more things to do, so I don't know if the quantity and quality are fairly judged at this time of year.

I would imagine it's very difficult to be a fair/impartial mod. How do you moderate effectively without ending up looking like you're playing favorites or holding a grudge?

You can't re-create the past...what's gone is gone. The best you can hope for is something new and different. And just because something doesn't work out exactly as you planned, doesn't mean you should just pack up and leave. Isn't there an old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again?

Also, I agree (yikes!) with Ken. People bitch about dumb threads and people bitch about the lack of posting. It's a lose-lose situation. I'd rather check in and see 10 dopey threads, than see absolutely no action.

This Board... - KensPen - 07-02-2003

Quote:Also, I agree (yikes!) with Ken. People bitch about dumb threads and people bitch about the lack of posting. It's a lose-lose situation. I'd rather check in and see 10 dopey threads, than see absolutely no action.

but that is how I feel,
my posts are best when I can throw a funny line into an active thread...

I know that.....

yet when there ARE no active threads....

I will at least try to start something.

This Board... - 60FeetUnderWater - 07-02-2003

Quote:Originally posted by sweet angelmy theory is, if I see a thread I have an interest in, or something to say, I'll read/post. If not, then I move on. Also, it's summer, and people (generally speaking) are inside less and have more things to do, so I don't know if the quantity and quality are fairly judged at this time of year.

I agree. yup. :nod:

Quote:You can't re-create the past...what's gone is gone. The best you can hope for is something new and different. And just because something doesn't work out exactly as you planned, doesn't mean you should just pack up and leave. Isn't there an old saying, \"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again?


Quote:Also, I agree (yikes!) with Ken. People bitch about dumb threads and people bitch about the lack of posting. It's a lose-lose situation. I'd rather check in and see 10 dopey threads, than see absolutely no action.


I want action tonight! Satisfaction ALRIGHT!

I don't think its ever an easy job to run a board...of any have my sympathies but that alone won't help this place become what you all envison it to be...

it takes WORK.

Now - Silera still owes me a naked wow on top of a building in a Spiderman pose - STILL waiting. Or did she take a trip to the Domcan Replic?

And where is Alkey - lunging around somewhere getting drunk?

AIMP - you silly goose. Get back in here and show us your tits.