Dodgeball - For Adults! - Printable Version

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Dodgeball - For Adults! - Rooner - 05-21-2004

I dont like where this is going. MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!

Dodgeball - For Adults! - IrishAlkey - 05-21-2004

The water is almost to a boil.

Dodgeball - For Adults! - Black Lazerus - 05-21-2004

even hottie knows what garlic knots are.

Dodgeball - For Adults! - header - 05-21-2004

I'm dumber than hottie. Yay.

Dodgeball - For Adults! - Topper Harley - 05-21-2004

i'm just an underachiever

Dodgeball - For Adults! - IrishAlkey - 05-21-2004

I feel bad making the water boiling analogy.

He must've grabbed a knife and fork and put his little lobster bib on.

I need to choose my words carefully.

Dodgeball - For Adults! - Rooner - 05-21-2004


Dodgeball - For Adults! - Topper Harley - 05-21-2004

fat jokes = teh funney

Dodgeball - For Adults! - Rooner - 05-21-2004

Its not the subject matter, its the delivery. I cant help it, Im enthralled by teh Alkey. I shall faint tomorrow.

Dodgeball - For Adults! - Topper Harley - 05-21-2004

i do appreciate his presence. it was getting a little too nicey nicey around here