Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Printable Version

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Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Rooner - 09-11-2003

Thats right, me. None of you will care, but to those of us addicted to the crack that is Socom, its like X Mas coming early.

Quote:Congratulations! You are now enrolled for online beta test program for the
PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system. You will receive another email from
Beta Central shortly with additional information and details. We appreciate your

I feel like one of the mods here now because I have access to the uber exclusive Socom II Beta Testers message board. But dont worry, I wont be posting there, you guys take up all my time. So I shall get to play the game before the rest of the schmoes out there. Eat me.

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - The Brain - 09-11-2003

Good. While you're letting yourself get addicted to that online crack, the rest of us will be putting the moves on your newly-neglected wifey. Confusedmug:

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Rooner - 09-11-2003

Quote:Originally posted by The Brain
Good. While you're letting yourself get addicted to that online crack, the rest of us will be putting the moves on your newly-neglected wifey. Confusedmug:

[Image: hulk1.jpg]

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - The Brain - 09-11-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Rooner
[Image: hulk1.jpg]
<img src= height=480 width=640>


Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Rooner - 09-11-2003

[Image: mealtime.jpg]

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - The Brain - 09-11-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Rooner
<img src= height=600 width=800>

<a href= target=new>I shall take my vengeance by wearing your killer's skin as a belt!</a>

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - 60FeetUnderWater - 09-11-2003

[Arnold Schwarzenegger]
you sunovabiiiitch.

::goes back into eBay on a quest for a cheap PS2 w/ network adapter::

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Rooner - 09-11-2003

Green is a good color for you.

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Six-Pack - 09-11-2003

I got in too Rooner. We'll have to start a clan or something (although, since I never played the original, I'll probably suck).

Guess whos a Socom II Beta Tester? - Ronin - 09-11-2003

how did you get to become a SOCOM 2 tester?!?! that is awesome!