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9/11 was a joke - sexbagel - 09-28-2003

I couldnt believe the hatered that was flowing through my veins when i came across this asshole. He's mocking 9/11 on his website.

First off there is this paragraph:
And in remembrance of the tragic day of 9/11, an encore presentation of this video, and also my "friend" Fat Cow and I with our very thoughtful and heartfelt total disregard for the whole thing we did 2 days after it happened is here. Enjoy, and death to America! *high pitched sand nigger noises* That's right, it's the internet and I can say nigger all I want, sand or otherwise.

THEN he has the following links.
9/11 footage with Benny Hill Music

and this statement how
9/11 was an attack on him

This is HIS SITE and i dont care if it's against the guidelines, this is his email

[email protected]

This fucker deserves to die.

9/11 was a joke - Flock of Moosen - 09-28-2003

Since the e-mail address is listed on that site and public knowledge, I see absolutely no reason why it can't stay. Just as long as you know that's all the personal info allowed okay.

That said, this is just beyond sick. I've seen some really tasteless 9/11 shit, from arcade style games, to pictures of amusement park rides going through the rubble, to that recent "game which is not a game" according to the makers, but this ranks up there as one of the most tasteless ever. :disappointed:

It's fucking people like this that deserved to be in those towers when they fell. :mad:

9/11 was a joke - sexbagel - 09-28-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Flock of Moosen
Since the e-mail address is listed on that site and public knowledge, I see absolutely no reason why it can't stay. Just as long as you know that's all the personal info allowed okay.

Yea, i wasnt gonna do all that. I saw it on his site next to this, so that's as far as i'm going with it. Just wanted to bring it to people's attention.

9/11 was a joke - Subzero316 - 09-28-2003

I hope this piece of shit burns in hell forever!! :fire:

9/11 was a joke - JimmyBlueEyes - 09-29-2003

Dumb fuckin Canadian....That's all I'm gonna say...

9/11 was a joke - Death_Metal Moe - 09-29-2003

I wouldn't even E-mail this fucking jizz bucket. The attention is exactly what he's looking for.

He will pay..............

9/11 was a joke - BITENY - 09-29-2003

The old saying of "what comes around goes around" kinda means something here.

9/11 was a joke - Flock of Moosen - 09-30-2003

Quote:Originally posted by BITENY
The old saying of \"what comes around goes around\" kinda means something here.

Yeah, and "what goes around comes around" too. Wink

9/11 was a joke - Buttmunch - 09-30-2003

Yeah, and what goes, comes.

9/11 was a joke - diceisgod - 09-30-2003

Karma Cameleon