Someone who knows how to add mods to phpbb - Printable Version

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Someone who knows how to add mods to phpbb - salsa shark - 12-10-2003

i suck! *grabs meaty man breasts... which don't exist*

aim me: megatallicahetjr

email: [email protected] &

Someone who knows how to add mods to phpbb - diceisgod - 12-10-2003


Someone who knows how to add mods to phpbb - salsa shark - 12-10-2003

or post it here. i don't give a shit.

Someone who knows how to add mods to phpbb - diceisgod - 12-10-2003

Go read a book.

Someone who knows how to add mods to phpbb - salsa shark - 12-10-2003


*opens up a penthouse*

Someone who knows how to add mods to phpbb - salsa shark - 12-10-2003

anyhow, It's having a a problem with something not writing properly to one of the directories. if anyone has any ideas...

Someone who knows how to add mods to phpbb - salsa shark - 12-10-2003


mmmm.... tech support that works

Someone who knows how to add mods to phpbb - The Brain - 12-12-2003

I'll do us all a favor, and move this to our lovely Tech Support Forum.

The usual geeks and such who frequent this place don't venture far enough from there to see your inquiry here. Big Grin

Someone who knows how to add mods to phpbb - Toronto Hottie - 12-12-2003

Why keep it here at all then Brain? He wasn't getting any help.

Someone who knows how to add mods to phpbb - diceisgod - 12-12-2003

Where do you suppose he move it too then?