The Shield Season 3... - Printable Version

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The Shield Season 3... - Subzero316 - 01-09-2004

...Premieres March 9 at 10pm on FX.

The Shield Season 3

Season 2 is out on dvd.

The Shield Season 3... - Flock of Moosen - 01-09-2004

March 9th? I could have sworn I read earlier it was starting up again this month. Actually, to be honest I thought it was going to be next Tuesday.

Oh well, another 2 months wait. :disappointed:

The Shield Season 3... - Subzero316 - 01-09-2004

FX is replayin' the first two season's to get ready for season 3 thats why the push untill march. Have you seen the promo? I think it rocks.

The Shield Season 3... - BITENY - 01-09-2004

If I only had FX, I bet this would be my new favorite show....
Gotta love Brooklyn Cablevision! Always the last ones to get anything good!

The Shield Season 3... - Flock of Moosen - 01-09-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Subzero316
Have you seen the promo? I think it rocks.

Actually I just did now from the FX site. Looks like Vic is gonna have some problems this season.

Quote:Originally posted by BITENY
If I only had FX, I bet this would be my new favorite show....
Gotta love Brooklyn Cablevision! Always the last ones to get anything good!

That sucks. And here I thought our Cablevision system was complete and utter crap. Guess I don't have as much room to complain. Ah, who am I kidding? Of course I do. :biggrin:

The Shield Season 3... - Meatwad - 01-09-2004

iO is the worst thing on earth. I lost showtime and that had all the good movies...Sad

The Shield Season 3... - madmick - 01-09-2004

Cablevision rates are going up, services going down. Good old Dolan douche nozzle, sticking his "customers" without lube, again!

Business as usual, when they fuck up, they fuck YOU!

The Shield Season 3... - Meatwad - 01-09-2004

Sounds hot.

The Shield Season 3... - BITENY - 01-09-2004

IO does suck. All the movie channels always get this interfearance or they freeze up and then get mosiac-ed.
Cablevision is the worst....

The Shield Season 3... - Gonzo - 01-16-2004

I love the show but sadly I also have cablevision and do not get FX. I have always loved Michael Chiklis ever since he played John Belushi in the film version of "Wired", even though the film was weak his performance was mint. Then in the TV show 'The Commish'. Even his recent performance as Curly in the 3 Stooges film was on target as well.

When I heard about the show I was upset that I couldnt see it but then season 1 hit dvd and I got it right away, I was not dissapointed. I downloaded season 2 off kazaa and loved it as well.

I guess i'll be stuck downloading season 3 again but I can't wait.