Just got this from a co worker... - Printable Version

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Just got this from a co worker... - Rooner - 05-11-2004

Quote:When will it stop,...I actually knew this guy is, he use to come in the YMCA in West Chester when I worked there and work out in the gym and spy on the college girls. Shouldn't have even been over there!!!

Just got this from a co worker... - TheDude - 05-11-2004

moral of the story, if you get a contract job overseas where we have troops occupying and there is civil unreast...

DON'T GO!!!!

Just got this from a co worker... - header - 05-11-2004

This sucks

Oh and I wonder when we will see some of the humiliating photos of US Soldiers beheading Iraqi prisoners last year. We are such barbarians.

Just got this from a co worker... - 60FeetUnderWater - 05-11-2004

Fuckin' savages.

I just posted a response about this very same topic elsewhere. Ya know, its such a shame that we're called the infidels and such, that the world thinks WE'RE the awful ones.

All we're trying to do is get some CIVILITY established in that fuckin desert over there and these assholes insist on poking the 800 pound gorilla that has repeatedly displayed vast military superiority, having an ability to level that entire region out if provoked.

If these savages REALLY want us to get out of their country, they should start acting like civil human beings and cut this "vengence with blood" horseshit.

Just got this from a co worker... - TheDude - 05-11-2004

We should just close our borders and tell the rest of the world to go fuck themselves. Let the Middle East blow themselves up... Fuck em'.

Just got this from a co worker... - The Man - 05-11-2004

There's a difference. These are terrorists. Who, by definition will kill civilians and other horible shit. Al Queda isn't part of NATO and isn't really subject to the Geneva Convention.

Our troops are bound by the rules, and should have known better.

No matter what, you can't have our troops torturing (or at least not fucking taking pictures and videos of the torturing you stupid assholes) Iraqis as response to things that some muslim extremist group is doing. There's not even a connection.

This is horrible, and I hope that anyone who even remotely supports religious fanatics dies.

Just got this from a co worker... - Rooner - 05-11-2004

This is a tit for tat thing. Now we will poke some prisoners with sticks.

Just got this from a co worker... - Rooner - 05-11-2004

And if those fuckers are so honorable. And they are doing the work of Allah. Why the fuck are they wearing hoods and have their faces covered. Shouldnt you be proud youre doing Allahs work. Wouldnt you want everyone to know. Fucking douchebags.

Just got this from a co worker... - Keyser Soze - 05-11-2004

we're supposed to set an example. by mistreating prisoners we reduce ourselves to their level.

Just got this from a co worker... - EffinC - 05-11-2004

We set an example pussy footing around in Fallujah. We should have stormed that fucking town, leveled the "mosques" from which RPG fire and mortars were constantly being lobbed from, and made that Muslim Cleric disappear.

Now Fallujah is being left to police itself, with that bearded monkey still alive and in charge of that Al-Sadr (or whatever it's called) Army. The guy whose job I'm currently occupying is a Marine who was fighting in Fallujah. He emailed me a few times at work describing how the media was hyping up the organization and effectiveness of the resistance forces. He reported that in countless skirmishes the Iraqis were just completely shit on.

Why didn't we blitzkrieg? Because any time Bush sneezes in Iraq now Kerry, Kerrey, Kennedy, Clinton, Byrd, and that cunt Pelosi go apeshit in the Congress. the 9/11 commission-esque (which proved to be the biggest waste of time EVER!) bullshit kicks up all over again. I don't care what your politics are, these animals need killing......Let our boys do it.

As for the prisoner beatings......Why is there no mention in the media that these events took place some 7 months ago?? The photos were leaked to CBS by a staff member of a military appointed commission that investigated the events, and corrected the problems in that prison. As of the day these photos came out, nothing even close was going on there any longer. Still doesn't make it right, but the military took the initiative in investigating this long before anyone on the outside knew about it.

I'm sorry about the length here, but another thing that bugs the piss out of me is the way these photos are being so highly coveted. "Release the new photos, the even more graphic ones!!!"......Watch the video of Daniel Pearl being murdered, and watch the video of this newest man being murdered. I think it puts the whole fucking thing into perspective.