What's Her Bra Size? - Printable Version

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What\'s Her Bra Size? - Flock of Moosen - 07-06-2004

Think you are a breast connoisseur? Take this quiz of 100 celebrities and see how well you know the boobs.
(Hint: To help you out a little, very few are A cups.)

What's Her Bra Size?

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="401" height="208" border="0"></a>

What\'s Her Bra Size? - Jimbo - 07-06-2004

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="401" height="208" border="0"></a>


What\'s Her Bra Size? - Lush - 07-07-2004

That test is way too long

What\'s Her Bra Size? - Subzero316 - 07-07-2004

[Image: daisy-award.jpg]

What\'s Her Bra Size? - 60FeetUnderWater - 07-07-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Lush
That test is way too long

I concurr.

What\'s Her Bra Size? - Flock of Moosen - 07-07-2004

I had a feeling this might not go over too well with this ADD crowd.

What\'s Her Bra Size? - Rooner - 07-07-2004

I got 47 right.

What\'s Her Bra Size? - GMANN - 07-07-2004

Dru should be in this game!

What\'s Her Bra Size? - JimmyBlueEyes - 07-07-2004

I got 50 something the first time, and then did it again and got 90. I know my boobage...And I could think of a few others who should take this test.

What\'s Her Bra Size? - dru - 07-08-2004

i highly doubt that uma thurman & tyra banks have the same bra size.

& no i shouldn't.