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Yeah I heard about that... wonder how long they knew where he was and waited for someone to die before they went out and got him... I hate these people.
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Quote:Originally posted by poncho
Ok so you know what?
Black or white, we're all Americans and we're all getting fucked by these animals that cant filter out the insane aspects of their religion from the sane ones.
you could say the same thing about our religious zealot of a president.
You are compelling me to make an argument that would make it seem that them killing our solders is right. I won't.
but what would you do if China took over the USA. I know i would be killing chinks till the cows came home.
The best way to study your enemy is to look at everything the way they look at it.
there is no way that the Arabs will ever agree to anything that white people put before them. why would they when the only thing that the are interested in is the oil.
You called us all savages as you took and stole land from others. I wouldn't trust you either.
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"what would you do if China took over the USA. I know i would be killing chinks till the cows came home."
I'm sorry but when did we take over Saudi Arabia? Just curious.
"The best way to study your enemy is to look at everything the way they look at it.
there is no way that the Arabs will ever agree to anything that white people put before them. why would they when the only thing that the are interested in is the oil."
Well let me ask you this? Would they even associate with us if they didn't want the money that we give them for oil? What's the difference? We all want something in life, it's called trade, business, and it's not really a new phenominon.
"You called us all savages as you took and stole land from others. I wouldn't trust you either."
Who is "you"? White people? Are you saying that whites are the only ones that stole land from others? Puh-lease! Kashmir, Palestine, the entire far east under Genghis Khan...
I think it's terrible that you think you're exempt from being involved in this because you're not white... you have chosen to make yourself different in a world that no longer sees you as such. It's a bit of a crutch dont you think?
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you should learn to quote better
Quote:Originally posted by poncho
\"what would you do if China took over the USA. I know i would be killing chinks till the cows came home.\"
I'm sorry but when did we take over Saudi Arabia? Just curious.
well i don't know what you call 100,000 solders and the occupation of a place designated as a war zone.
Quote:\"The best way to study your enemy is to look at everything the way they look at it.
there is no way that the Arabs will ever agree to anything that white people put before them. why would they when the only thing that the are interested in is the oil.\"
Well let me ask you this? Would they even associate with us if they didn't want the money that we give them for oil? What's the difference? We all want something in life, it's called trade, business, and it's not really a new phenomenon.
They want you to let them solve their own problems. they don't need greedy people trying to make money in the face of them rebuilding their country. That BTW was bombed to hell by the USA.
Quote:\"You called us all savages as you took and stole land from others. I wouldn't trust you either.\"
Who is \"you\"? White people? Are you saying that whites are the only ones that stole land from others? Puh-lease! Kashmir, Palestine, the entire far east under Genghis Khan...
I think it's terrible that you think you're exempt from being involved in this because you're not white... you have chosen to make yourself different in a world that no longer sees you as such. It's a bit of a crutch don't you think?
you tell me a group of people who took over more land than whites, then i will be talking about them. and i am not exempt i proudly served my country, and would be willing to do it again. But I call a spade a spade anythime I see one.
every link that we were told that iraq was involved in 9/11 has been disproven.
so why are we there?
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Honestly, I have my doubts about Iraq. I do know that Hussein funded terrorists, that he payed the families of Palestinians who blew themselves up, that he tried to assassinate our president (Bush 41), that he aimed missiles at Israel and threatened to fire several times. Ok only the president thing directly involes the US, but when do we step up and when do we turn a blind eye? As the world's only superpower, we do have a responsibility to do our best to keep the world stable. Yes we do have something to gain from preventing world war 3, but so does everyone dontcha think? It's just that not everyone has the power to prevent it.
If that's not enough for you, as it might not be for me... The fact that Hussein has killed so, so many people and that he truly is a cruel and evil man, as were his sons is enough for me to feel like maybe we did the right thing by getting rid of him...having researched Iraq and looked at interviews from people who lived there and escaped, I know of the torture chambers, the rape, women having wire attached to their nipples and being shocked... horrible things. Not to mention the use of biological weapons against the Kurds. He had to go.
The problem now is how to keep a nation from plunging into civil war over religious differences (oddly enough, within the same religion) and not end up so involved that it appears that the US is taking over Iraq... I really do believe that this is our intention, as it was in Afghanistan which is doing fairly well right now.
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this is the best thing you posted all night
Quote:women having wire attached to their nipples and being shocked
all bullshit aside you are correct in saying that we do have a certain responsibility when it comes to world affairs.
But we shouldn't be playing top cop and only jumping into things for money and misleading the public about it.
you are sadly mistaken if you believe China, Russia, Japan and Germany aren't superpowers.
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Nipples= funny ... even if there are wires on them.
I'm not mistaken.. really im not... those arent superpowers, not compared to us; but Japan is gaining on us.
I think im going to go sob convulsively right now. Thanks for the lovely chat.
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Repent you savage!!!
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Quote:Originally posted by Black Lazerus
Quote:Originally posted by sweet angel
I don't care about history. OK, fill me in....
You should be ashamed of yourself, You people have done some of the most atrocious things in the history of mankind
you have no right to call anyone savages or monsters. If you want a history lesson try the local library.
:::hangs head in shame:::
I admit that I didn't pay much attention in history classes in school, but all that stuff is the past (not that it was any less atrocious) and this is the present. I'm sure a hundred years from now, what's going on now will be just a drop in the bucket and there will be new outrages.
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I say we take off and nuke the entire planet from orbit.
That's the only way to be sure.
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