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fahrenheit 9/11
self-fat jokes are funny and unexpected.
<img src="">
they are the rage
[Image: carrottop-19200.jpg]
saw this movie tonight. can't really say how much is accurate or not but it was well put together and pretty entertaining at points. i'd recommend it.
I saw it today as well.

I can't stand that fat fucker, but this was a pretty good film.
[Image: Jailbaitsig.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by Jimbo
saw this movie tonight. can't really say how much is accurate or not but it was well put together and pretty entertaining at points. i'd recommend it.

So you think we should support his exploitation of American tragedies? Let's see, two kidsl commits mash murder in their school? Cha-Ching. DAMN. I was born 150 years too late or else I could have cashed in on the Lynchings of the South.
<img src="">

<center>Boy the way Glen Miller played,
songs that made the hit parade,
guys like us we had it made,
those were the days,
and you know where you were then,
girls were girls and men were men,
mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again,
didn't need no welfare states
everybody pulled his weight,
gee our old Lasalle ran great,
those were the days!</center>
so any creative thought-provoking work on something bad that happened in America is considered an exploitation?
I see this as being no different than if someone wrote a book on the subject - and they cost more than a movie ticket by the way.
one is a statement

two is a pariah.
<img src="">

<center>Boy the way Glen Miller played,
songs that made the hit parade,
guys like us we had it made,
those were the days,
and you know where you were then,
girls were girls and men were men,
mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again,
didn't need no welfare states
everybody pulled his weight,
gee our old Lasalle ran great,
those were the days!</center>
Quote:Originally posted by Sloats
Quote:Originally posted by Jimbo
saw this movie tonight. can't really say how much is accurate or not but it was well put together and pretty entertaining at points. i'd recommend it.

So you think we should support his exploitation of American tragedies? Let's see, two kidsl commits mash murder in their school? Cha-Ching. DAMN. I was born 150 years too late or else I could have cashed in on the Lynchings of the South.

i think making a movie like 'white chicks' is less patriotic.
<center><a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=SoupSoupAD"><img src="" border="0"></a>
insert witty banter here

<a href=""></a></center>
Love him or hate him, he points out the Bush's administrations irresponsible choices and policies.

Yea, he uses editing techniques and half-truths to make it comical, but he has an agenda.

Just look at the box office results this past weekend. Right now, you can say he has made an impact.

If it is #1 again next week, then you could say it is working.

I hope it works.
&lt;IMG SRC=&quot;;&gt;
George Bush cannot be an Evil Mastermind and a complete moron at the same time. Pick one, Moore, and make up facts to prove that.

Moore is also a pussy. Not in that he hides behind creative editing, or is a fat mess:
Moore, loves the ask controversial questions......but won't allow them to be asked? (see bottom)

Michael Moore is a liar. He simply makes shit up!!

Quote:We sold out in Fayetteville, home of Fort Bragg, We sold out in Army-base towns. We set house records in some of these places. We set single-day records in a number of theaters.

Fayetteville, NC has 5 movie theaters. NONE of which are airing F911 now, and the arts theater hosted it for one night. A whopping 33 seat theater thayt didn't open the screening to the public.
Movie Listings, click on each theater.

Moore claims that Bush spent 42% of his first 8 months on vacation! Moore says this comes from the Washington Post. No such article or reporting exists. But this one does which is a total of "vacation" as of 9/3/02. This does include weekends and working vacations to his Texas Ranch Hosting foreign leaders at the Ranch.

This is a very very very very small portion of the entire library of lies Moore tells with impunity. No one ever bothers to research what he says, because the people that believe him want it all to be true.

Michael Moore accuses Bush of turning a profit on 9/11 and the Iraqi war. Yet Moore and the Weinstein brothers have no problem at all cashing in!! There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Bush/Cheney made a dime off of either event. PERIOD! Draw whatever conclusion you want about who used to work for Halliburton, the fact ahve no proof. Moore is openly getting rich off of this movie, and no one cares.

The Carlisle Group! Michael Moore draws a 6-Degrees of seperation between Bush and Bin Laden via the Carlisle Group. Moore is paid by Harvey and Robert Weinstein who own MiraMax films. Miramax is owned by Disney. Disney owns EuroDisney. EuroDisney was a financial DISASTER after the first 2 years of operation and needed a multi-million dollar bailout. Who coughed up the dough?!?! THE CARLISLE GROUP!

Hey look, Moore and Bin Laden are in bed too! omgomgomgomgomgomgomgogmogmogmgomgom!!!111!!!!!1!

Moore really is pathetic. His fans are even worse.

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