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Possible annual, attendance diminishing, softball game...
Quote:Originally posted by JJ
You guys know me and my pop are definitley in for this one! I call 3rd base ( Wink ) and he wants SS. Oh and this time we'll be bringing our own Bacardi Silver so i dont have to drink anyone elses. LOL sorry to whomever i took them from last year. Is there going to be a separate thread for who is bringing what to the game?

Oh and Im so in on the homerun derby if there is one.

Not to knock your dad out of SS but I already called it.
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Quote:is that a wine cooler?


Quote:Originally posted by JJ



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Quote:Originally posted by Rooner
Ill be the waterboy.

don't take away my job. it's all i have.

& it's glorified waterboy to you.
<center><img src=""></a>

i <3 silera

wanna go for a ride on my totalgym?</center>
Quote:I want 2nd base, motherfucker!!!!
If I can't get 2nd, then I want SS.

There you go. First dibs.
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Quote:Originally posted by BITENY

Not to knock your dad out of SS but I already called it.

well if you, me and him are on the same team then ok but if youre not on our team then he has SS.
Quote:Originally posted by dru
Quote:Originally posted by Rooner
Ill be the waterboy.

don't take away my job. it's all i have.

& it's glorified waterboy to you.

I thought you were the official medic for these things ??
[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
Quote:Originally posted by JJ
You guys know me and my pop are definitley in for this one! I call 3rd base ( Wink ) and he wants SS. Oh and this time we'll be bringing our own Bacardi Silver so i dont have to drink anyone elses. LOL sorry to whomever i took them from last year. Is there going to be a separate thread for who is bringing what to the game?

Oh and Im so in on the homerun derby if there is one.

A second thread for who's bringing what will go up later.

And im guessing whoever is fronting both teams will decide who's playing what position so you guys can layoff eachother nuts and ovaries.
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;
JJ's dad has seniority

[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
Quote:Originally posted by JJ
Quote:Originally posted by BITENY

Not to knock your dad out of SS but I already called it.

well if you, me and him are on the same team then ok but if youre not on our team then he has SS.

fair enough. :thumbup:
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