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Now they find problems w/NYC's water...
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edit = foot in mouth and then mad scramble to delete

I wish I could have seen your face.
[Image: hurricanecharley.jpg]
OK as for the volly sirens, there are at least four I know of in the city. Two in SI, one in Rockaway and one in Broad Channel. Most volly departments that I have dealt with, including the one I was a member of upstate, turn theirs off after a certain time to keep the peace and use pagers that are activated by alert tones on a radio. As for the Orthodox types activating it, they probably program it to go off automatically before sundown.

It still sucks for you though.
I'm not quite there yet
[Image: Riptide.jpg]
Believe the Hype, Bitch!!!!
It all comes down to this. Airplanes make noise, Motorcycles make noise, dogs make noise, cars make noise, helicopters make noise, police cars and fire engines make noise, and evidently so do the heebs.

Big fucking deal. So for maybe, 1 minute every week the little world some people live in is inconvenienced. Boo fucking hoo. Hard to believe that these are the same people who held together during 9/11, and kept their shit together during the black out.....yet they can't stomach some noise on a Friday.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of the Yamikazes...but come on. Petty bullshit.

On the same token, the yids bitching about the water fits in the category of senseless pissing and moaning.
Quote:Originally posted by diceisgod
edit = foot in mouth and then mad scramble to delete

I wish I could have seen your face.

:lol: I love how you think you know everything......but you keep on believing you do.....Shmuck.
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Quote:Originally posted by EffinC
It all comes down to this. Airplanes make noise, Motorcycles make noise, dogs make noise, cars make noise, helicopters make noise, police cars and fire engines make noise, and evidently so do the heebs.

Big fucking deal. So for maybe, 1 minute every week the little world some people live in is inconvenienced. Boo fucking hoo. Hard to believe that these are the same people who held together during 9/11, and kept their shit together during the black out.....yet they can't stomach some noise on a Friday.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of the Yamikazes...but come on. Petty bullshit.

On the same token, the yids bitching about the water fits in the category of senseless pissing and moaning.

If you only lived here you would understand....
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Quote:f you only lived here you would understand....

Everyday at 5PM the firehouse that is 3/10 of a mile from my house rings the siren. Everytime there is a firecall, the siren rings (thats 24/7). Just because the jews are ringing it, that makes the sound more bothersome? ITS THE SAME SOUND! And quite frankly, with 750 calls a year in my station alone (there are 6 stations in my town) I'd like to say that my situation is worse.

My question: Would you be more tolerant of the noise if it were for any other reason that the heebs?

Not that I care about hatred or racism, I'm just playing devil's advocate.
If it was any other religion/race, we'd have the same issues.
But considering my area is predominantley Jewish, I (along with thousands of other people) have a problem with it.
A volunteer firehouse having their alarm go off is different. That's to let people know to be cautious of their surroundings- in other words, get out of the streets b/c you don't know when and where the firetrucks will go. That's for safety reasons, at least I think so.
Having a Sabbath Alarm go off to let them know it's praying time, is highly annoying. As I've said. Why does everyone around here need to know that it's time for them to pray? Why can't they keep it to themselves? If they were to turn it down and cut short the time the stupid thing rings, then I don't think everyone would have a problem with it as much.
It's a very very high pitched sound that honestly, hurts MY ears as well as my friend Barry's (and we're probably not the only ones).
My neighborhood has lived without it longer than I've been alive. Why should they need it NOW? If they really want to be reminded of when it starts, as I've said, they should use an alarm clock in their homes and leave the rest of the neighborhood without it.
There's a difference between having a firehouse siren go off and a sabbath alarm going off. One is for safety reasons (I guess you could say that) and the other serves absolutley no purpose. I'd feel safer living across the street from a firehouse than living across the street from this annoyance.
Oh- and the sabbath isn't the only time it has gone off. There was another holiday (I can't recall) that it went off as well.
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