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Hopefully this is what Opie and Anthony were waiting for...
Indecency Legislation Losing Steam?

Quote:Many legislators apparently feel that indecency on the American airwaves pales in comparison to the prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq, and they don't want to be seen has having their priorities out of whack by pursuing indecency legislation at this time. Additionally, many people are beginning to have second thoughts about the indecency crackdown, as stories spread about Classic Rock songs that have been FM radio staples for years being pulled from the airwaves, as well as the editing of critically acclaimed programs such as \"Prime Suspect\" on PBS.

Hopefully they were waiting for the waters to calm so they wouldn't have to go the the DJ retirement home that is satellite radio.
[Image: carrottop-19200.jpg]
#2 about sometimes i want to smack americans.

guess what? you don't like the radio station?

there's the dial. get off your fat ass and turn it.

thank god that this is losing's completely ridiculous. RIDICULOUS.
choice gets forgotten when the rabble is startled.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
rabble rabble rabble....
and no Mr. Garrison we can't get rid of all the Mexicans...
I'm not quite there yet
[Image: Riptide.jpg]
Believe the Hype, Bitch!!!!
Legislators thought that America was outraged about Janet Jackson, and began to cater to what they thought was the American Bandwagon Belief of the Week.

WRONG. No one gave a fuck.....and quite frankly more titty gets exposed during primetime on award shows.

Now that they realize we didn't care, they'll find another cause to pretend to be behind in order to get public approval.
<center><a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=SoupSoupAD"><img src="" border="0"></a>
insert witty banter here

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Janet jackson is disturbing looking.
[Image: hurricanecharley.jpg]

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