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The joy of being a newbie all over again.
Ya know at first i thought id read some of the threads and catch up but fuck that, im too tired. Just wanna say hi and that I'm glad to have a place to go and screw around while I'm in class.

So whens the softball game? Cool :grin2:
welcome to this uh...fuck it...nevermind
<IMG SRC="">

<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>The digital pimp, hard at work...</marquee>
Hey! It's my adopter!!! Tongue
<img src="" border="0">

A red X just for Amy to touch...
what? no hug?

::dramatic:: ya know ever since you left the nest youve barely said two words to me. Sad j/k

Good to see ya babe.
Hey JJ, good to see ya man.

Quote:Originally posted by JJ
So whens the softball game? Cool :grin2:
Remember, if you want your dad to play, he has to sign up first. Wink
<center>[Image: FOM.jpg]</center>
What up JJ
[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
JJ is actually old enough for me to rape, ive waited so long for this.Angel
Quote:Remember, if you want your dad to play, he has to sign up first.

Well if there ever is an actual game, ill sign him up.

Amy, I cant wait. Cool
Quote:Originally posted by AngelAmy
JJ is actually old enough for me to rape, ive waited so long for this.Angel
Damn, how come I don't get that treatment? I promise I won't tellWink
Quote:Originally posted by AngelAmy
JJ is actually old enough for me to rape, ive waited so long for this.Angel

slut!!! :exorcist::exorcist:

Big Grin
&lt;IMG SRC=&quot;;&gt;

&lt;marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30&gt;The digital pimp, hard at work...&lt;/marquee&gt;

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