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Cameltoe song
Anyone else hear this song yet? I was flipping through the stations today and got to Z100 i stopped for just a second and was about to keep going through the stations when i heard the DJ say somthing about cameltoe. I started listening to the song and i couldnt believe what i was hearing. it is a rap type song by these 3 girls and they sounded like they were still in highschool or even lower.

I dunno, i was just wondering if anyone else had heard it.
Yeah Star and Buck wild have been playing it for about a month now.
<center><img src=""></center></b>
Quote:Yeah Star and Buck wild have been playing it for about a month now

Who's that?
theyre on hot 97
Quote:Originally posted by AngelAmy
theyre on hot 97

Well no wonder i had no idea, cant stand that garbage. But i know that everyone has different tastes so no offense.
Quote:Originally posted by AngelAmy
theyre on hot 97

what's hot97?
<IMG SRC="">

<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>The digital pimp, hard at work...</marquee>
Quote:Originally posted by reefdwella
Quote:Originally posted by AngelAmy
theyre on hot 97

what's hot97?

hot 97 is hip hop and R&B, nigga
I'm hip money! fo sheazy my dog.

i would pay to hear you say that in person

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