05-21-2003, 03:08 PM
Is there ever and I mean EVER a need to talk smack about another O&A message board publically? To make jokes about it...to just flap at the gums about it? (again, publically?? say what you wish behind closed doors...)
If you got nuthin nice to say then shut the fuck up.
FUCK YOU, all you shit talkers. You know who you are. Y'all should be a little more grown up and be a lot less concerned about the size of your neighbors' cock.
Bottom line - grow the fuck up already.
(yeah, I'm not in a good mood today.)
and since I'm venting...here's ANOTHER FU.
FU to anyone who acts like a douche to someone who is only trying to contribute to "the cause" in some way.
mockery...ballbusting....save that for the tools that ain't doin' shit to help "spread the virus"...
If someone wants to send out stickers or whatever and you think they look "eh, geeeeeey", fine. MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN STICKERS and pass them out. Don't reply with sarcasm...ante up focker.
Let us see YOUR efforts as opposed to snide, wiseass comments.
Anyone can make a wiseass comment from the peanut gallery...but not everybody is going out on their own, taking money out of their own pocket to help spread the virus.
Show some god damn RESPECT. A true fan would appreciate any and all efforts made by others who are trying to keep the show alive during our bbbboys' absence.
Bottom line - No one should EVER be tooled for trying to help "the cause"...
Is there ever and I mean EVER a need to talk smack about another O&A message board publically? To make jokes about it...to just flap at the gums about it? (again, publically?? say what you wish behind closed doors...)
If you got nuthin nice to say then shut the fuck up.
FUCK YOU, all you shit talkers. You know who you are. Y'all should be a little more grown up and be a lot less concerned about the size of your neighbors' cock.
Bottom line - grow the fuck up already.
(yeah, I'm not in a good mood today.)
and since I'm venting...here's ANOTHER FU.
FU to anyone who acts like a douche to someone who is only trying to contribute to "the cause" in some way.
mockery...ballbusting....save that for the tools that ain't doin' shit to help "spread the virus"...
If someone wants to send out stickers or whatever and you think they look "eh, geeeeeey", fine. MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN STICKERS and pass them out. Don't reply with sarcasm...ante up focker.
Let us see YOUR efforts as opposed to snide, wiseass comments.
Anyone can make a wiseass comment from the peanut gallery...but not everybody is going out on their own, taking money out of their own pocket to help spread the virus.
Show some god damn RESPECT. A true fan would appreciate any and all efforts made by others who are trying to keep the show alive during our bbbboys' absence.
Bottom line - No one should EVER be tooled for trying to help "the cause"...