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Quote:Originally posted by Ronin
Black Lazarus, you should change your name to Spoonie Luv..
Just a random thought..

[Image: spooney.jpg]

For some odd reason I like that.
Whom ever reads this can you change my status to " Spooney Love From Up Above!!"
<embed src=""
HEIGHT="2" WIDTH="0" Autostart="true" loop="infinite"> <!---start of code-
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/center&gt;&lt;/b&gt;
Seems to me 4-20 does't get the inside jokes.

And fuck spreading the virus. I did my part. I bought a vial of Stacker 2 when it first came out.

oh, here's my WOW sticker suggestion:

[Image: wowoacomYSF.jpg]
&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;

&lt;center&gt;Boy the way Glen Miller played,
songs that made the hit parade,
guys like us we had it made,
those were the days,
and you know where you were then,
girls were girls and men were men,
mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again,
didn't need no welfare states
everybody pulled his weight,
gee our old Lasalle ran great,
those were the days!&lt;/center&gt;
I have a feeling I missed something.
<center>[Image: ymbbox.jpg]
<font color=red><font size=3>KiSs My AsS</font></font></center>
i know i know i shouldve introduced him last night, IM SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you didnt have to bring it up on this board too

i hope she gets sarcasm...i dont wanna get sliced
Quote:Originally posted by Ninny
Quote:Originally posted by AngelAmy
Fighting on the internet is like the Special Olympics....everyone's retarded??? that the one?

::::thumbs up::::

People are ignorant bastards, the sooner you realize this well, just realize it!


why bring up "fighting"? I am "fighting" w/ no one.

been there, done that. I learned the hard way that "fighting on the internet is like being in the Special Olympics...even if you win, you're still retarded."

this is an FU forum...I got mad about certain things being posted, I vented about it. that's all. no "razor blades up to my wrists as I teeter over the edge of a building" or anything...s'all good.

no drama here, just letting my frustrations out, dats all... Wink

"thi...this is legal isn't it?"

(oh, speaking of that reference...who ever gave me my status, I'm honored to have it. I think. :confused: )

but hey...I'lll go with it! :backflip: :bouncy: :backflip:

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