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anyone have audio file of this stern episode
Quote:Originally posted by Sloats

let's see if we can get the whole board involved in a game of \"Name that obscure reference!\"

Now I gotta know!!!
<IMG SRC="">

<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>The digital pimp, hard at work...</marquee>
Come on, someone must have a link of some sort to help this guy out with. Maybe some type of link to the Iraqi bomb skit he did would be helpful as well.
6-Pk, lets get back on topic.....
<img src="">

<center>Boy the way Glen Miller played,
songs that made the hit parade,
guys like us we had it made,
those were the days,
and you know where you were then,
girls were girls and men were men,
mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again,
didn't need no welfare states
everybody pulled his weight,
gee our old Lasalle ran great,
those were the days!</center>

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