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O&A meet with Sirius Satellite Radio...
yes i am sure they wanna do a show that broadcasts to the 19 people who listen to sattelite radio.
<center><img src=""></center>
Yeah I'm not so sure a lot of people would buy into the Satellite thing just to listen to them. I'd seriously consider it, but then again, you are syndicated globally on satellite radio I think.
It's only a crime if she says no twice.
Sirius is a seperate company from fact, in direct competition with XM. Sirius is better because it is 100% commercial free and has fewer interruptions with the signal.
It would be cool to finally hear the boys on the radio again...100% uncensored.

I wonder if they would still use all the clever phrases they came up with when they were still on FCC controlled airways?
I'd definitely buy it if they were on it.
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<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>The digital pimp, hard at work...</marquee>

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