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Matty, this is none of your fucking business. I've stayed out of every fucking dramatic sequence of which you've ever managed to get yourself involved, which is quite often. No, this ain't a fucking civil, love-thy-neighbor message board, but just because you can't settle your differences on does not mean it needs to be dragged all across MY fucking message board. I pay the bill. I sat back and watched the shit pile up around here, and now I'm running it. I know FTL has his problems with Too Cute. At least he had the balls to call her out when he felt the need on the message board she spends a majority of her time at. As far as Ninny and Too Cute go, if you two so desire, I'll start a brand new thread where you can both air your differences for the YMB world to read. What I won't have is you two rumble and stumble wherever your paths might cross in random threads here. I've had enough. We all see each other in person enough that this childish crap should be dealt with in person, and not as not-so-anonymous faces on a message board. I'll demod, ban, delete, shit on and skull fuck anybody who continues to piss me the fuck off because this ain't worth my cash. I've managed to be a part of this warped group for almost two years without having major issues with anybody I see on a regular basis. Follow my lead.

Test me.

I have the last word around here and I'll be glad to define each and every one of said words if you don't comprehend.
<center>[Image: alkeysalsa.jpg]</center>
<font color=red><marquee>You ain't no motha'fuckin' bully... and I ain't bowin' to no motha'fuckin' bully... I won't allow it ain't gon' cowar to no bully, I'll be damned if I don't stand up to a bully... fight like a man and throw my hands up to a bully...</font></marquee>

( . ) ( . ) <-- more of these please.

thank you.

(just tryng to get things back on track here, don't mind me...)
So, I haven't been here in forever.

I'm happy this is here in my little internet forum of the world.


I guess I'm at fault in a way for all the havoc.

I have rules. I have a code. I have a line that I do not cross. I try not to involve myself in bullshit, because life is too annoying to begin with.

So, I'll say this.

However this may have begun, end it here. I don't know, nor do I want to be party to the origins. I just don't like bullshit.

Let's cut it now.

Nin, why did you say those things about TooCute?

TooCute, why do you insist on carrying on this shit when you insist you're above it?

Matty, could you really shut the fuck up?

Amy, ok, where's your cock?

Ok, I'll be back in a couple of weeks.
<center>[Image: ymbbox.jpg]
<font color=red><font size=3>KiSs My AsS</font></font></center>
Quote:Nin, why did you say those things about TooCute?

Well, when she first got her ei tried to just wipe the slate clean but she refused. So be it i can't make people like me or what have you so i thought we both agreed to just ignore eachothers presence but she had to respond to a a thread in a negative way. I thought she was above it and i was just going to not think twice about the post BUT i really don't want people to have the thought in their head that they are better then me(or anyone else for that matter) and come up with the idea in their head that insulting me would float by like a fucking cloud in the sky bc it won't.

I should have just not answered it but you know whatever.
Gotta agree with Alkey.

If you insist on disliking each other, do it somewhere else, or start a thread over in Silera's Corner (which probably needs a new name soon) to call each other out.

No one fucking cares about your stupid drama shit here, any of you.

Matter of fact, I said "here" but people probably don't give a shit about it anywhere else either.

You're not in high school anymore. Grow the fuck up.
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/center&gt;
Quote:Originally posted by FollowThisLogic
You're not in high school anymore. Grow the fuck up.

Yeah good thing this happened NOW otherwise i might have had an excuse.
Yeah, two weeks out is plenty. Tongue
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/center&gt;
Quote:Amy, ok, where's your cock?

i have him here in my room, i figured he got a bit old and i retired him.

i want us all to get along and i definately want my tits back in the proper forum
#19 Silera's Corner (which probably needs a new name soon) ...

I will hunt you down and pluck your eyebrows out and glue them to your ears should you continue to consider that.
<center>[Image: ymbbox.jpg]
<font color=red><font size=3>KiSs My AsS</font></font></center>
I never claimed to be above jack shit.

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