07-12-2003, 04:28 PM
I still say you should shut up and NOT question the actions of Ninny,
cause you know nothing about Hottie and her hole.
cause you know nothing about Hottie and her hole.
Threads moved from Off-Topical & other stupidity
07-12-2003, 04:28 PM
I still say you should shut up and NOT question the actions of Ninny,
cause you know nothing about Hottie and her hole.
07-12-2003, 04:28 PM
I let FTL give you the answer there.
07-12-2003, 04:30 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Ninny so, it's not b/c of the "Fuck You" thread, which you were arguing with her? Maybe you should be aware of "how it looks" when it's done. b/c everyone else assumed that was reason. If that perception is wrong, well I apologize...however, my guess is that perception is held by more than just myself. :kiss: ![]()
07-12-2003, 04:32 PM
Um, i could really give a shit about what other peoples perception is of me, especially on a messageboard.
I thought that was already common knowledge. ![]()
07-12-2003, 04:34 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Ninny poster: np as mod: not. ![]()
07-12-2003, 04:39 PM
Ok you want to have some view on me as Mod, well everyone throw their shit outhere and let me know what you think.
Come on i have an hour to be entertained by your thoughts.
07-12-2003, 06:20 PM
GIP, as I kinda liked my IM explanation to you, I will re-use it:
It really doesn't matter if they're the most active threads - they're only the most active threads because the people in them were really bored, and wanted to have bullshit chat. The threads have no real substance or point, and I do agree with the move out of OT. You can have your chat threads, you can have your fun.......it's just time to stop having it here. This is the generic place for EVERYONE, and it needs to be fun for EVERYONE - not just the few of you who enjoy the chat threads. I know you love them and think they're just amazingly fun, but not everyone sees it that way. How to make this forum fun again, that's the big question...
<center><img src="http://www.yourmomsbox.net/ftl/ftl-oldtimey.gif"></center>
07-12-2003, 07:54 PM
I have to agree with FTL on this one. For the record I'm not against chat threads or silly threads or game/question threads, but how many of them do there have to be and why are they filling Off Topical?
I know you mentioned the fact GIP that OT's description is All the crap that doesn't really go anywhere else. That's true. I agree with you there and I think that's where some confusion may lie. You and others may be saying, "What's the difference between here and Silera's Corner?" I really don't need to mention the description for that forum, but I will just to make it easy. Silera's Corner - Fight Club + The Junkyard = the perfect place for Silera to call her own. I point out the reference to The Junkyard. On OA.com The Junkyard was a dumping ground of sorts for silly threads. It used to be for fighting, but when it turned into a crappy nicey-nice haven that stopped. That made way to every brain fart imaginable. Same problem was made over there. People would post that crap in Off Topic and we had to move it to The Junkyard. You're allowed to post the stuff, but instead of accepting that you bitch that it's moved. Big fucking deal, it's still on the board. You just have to click a different forum. I don't know if any of this makes sense or if anyone even cares to hear explanations anymore. I just wanted to add one last thing. You had the Sausage thread and the Vagina thread. Was there really a need for both? All they were were chat threads disguised as one hangout for men and one hangout for women. Sorry, but I had a little time on my hands and I checked. The Vagina thread had a TOTAL of 5 women post in it and the rest was filled by the guys chatting. Also, for the record, there were more guys than girls posting in there. So much for it being a women's hangout. ![]() Now, you may say that was only two threads. Fine, I agree there as well, but where does it end? When do the admins/mods step in and say enough's enough? If they don't, then 2 becomes 5, 5 becomes 10, 10 becomes 20, and it continues until Off Topical is filled again with crap. You were a mod once GIP. You know about doing your "job". That's what they are doing, but now all of a sudden you don't agree with it. Of all people that I thought might understand, it would be a former mod. I guess I thought wrong. :disappointed:
07-13-2003, 02:10 AM
Quote:You were a mod once GIP. You know about doing your \"job\". That's what they are doing, but now all of a sudden you don't agree with it. Of all people that I thought might understand, it would be a former mod. I guess I thought wrong. you have forgotten that policy must be clear, and that many rules for OA were extablished before, and also based on current poster behavior. Poster behavior dictates policy...why, b/c this is member based. You guys are forgetting that the customer rules, and that policy and the board must correspond to as such...and not to the precepts you have from another board, or rules that were already in place on a board that had different elements, and a huge flow of users...then petered out. Different board, different atmosphere, different circumstances. Don't be so quick to follow...and actually question what you want this to be. Per Alkey's statement to me: "This board is about having fun". So, if some members are having fun, but some are put off with chats...maybe a solution is to come up with something that is conducive to both, and not knee-jerk...and try not to make it like a parent punishing children misbehaving b/c someone high above has a pre-conceived notion of what a messageboard should be. Just maybe. Board is about it's members. PERIOD. You need to appease them all, a balancing act, not not make one out to be bad guys. I am very disappointed with this silly "you should know better", "you were a mod". A moderator sets tone. Reminds and follows SET POLICY. This policy is stated clearly. There is a lack of both currently, yet people are angry at "chat" threads and some members inclusive interaction. The issue is member habits and the desire to control them...which you can't. Mistake #1. Mods and Admin have barely been adding to the board, and if they are, they've only been stirring up pot to their own devices, unless they are arguing with one another...or actually fighting with other drama based on another board. In other words, pot calling kettle black. Picking and choosing what is acceptable and not. And trying to push how members post, and not trying to be flexible, but look down upon it...like someone is doing something wrong. Buck stops at the top...not the top downward. Make clear sections, clear policy, and be conducive to all posting habits. None of them, I subscribe, is wrong. Like I said: it's about the members. And the quicker you realize this, the better. This is what Froy NEVER understood. And it's carrying over. ![]() |
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