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Women and the clothes they wear
This weekend, I went to my local Super Walmart to do some food shopping and pick up a few new DVD's. As browse around, I notice a young girl, maybe 19-20 years old, walking by me. she's all but about 5 foot tall with a great looking body. I say this because the clothes she wore left very very little to the imagination. A guinea white beater t-shirt. Tight white spandex shorts. No underwear. (you could tell from the camel toe).

Every guy within eye-shot of this girl was staring and she seemed to not even notice.

As I walked around doing my shopping I pondered the girl in my mind (and NO 420, not in a dirty way) Why would she dress like that? Is it to attract the attention? Is it because she's a slut? Is it because she just doesn't know any better and thinks she looks cool in it?

My question to you ladies of the board - How slutty do you dress? When? and Why?
Quote:A guinea white beater t-shirt. Tight white spandex shorts. No underwear.

That's an awful disgusting outfit.

I don't think I dress like a slut. I wouldn't wear some things I wear to go out at night to go to work in the day.

I'd elaborate, but I think it's a case by case thing. I can wear things that might make others look like a slut and I look fine in. On the flipside, I have to be careful about what skirts/shorts/pants I wear because my ass is just too much and I'll look like a slut in them.
<center>[Image: ymbbox.jpg]
<font color=red><font size=3>KiSs My AsS</font></font></center>
Quote:Originally posted by tinymike

As I walked around doing my shopping I pondered the girl in my mind (and NO 420, not in a dirty way)

and why the hell not? tsk tsk. not even half a dirty thought?

mike, are you losing your edge or did you feel you'd be cheatin' on Minnie if you let your mind wander?

Wink Tongue

and by the way, she dressed like that because she knew that she COULD. I wouldn't have FMJeff'ed her or anything but I would have looked.
Ok first, i thought the term for the Guinea t's if called "Wife Beater" If not then i've been hearing it wrong for a very long time.

Secondly Silera is right about the unfashionable outfit.

Thridly, Silera is again right.

Fourthly, i dont believe i dress liek a slut pretty much ever. I dont think my reasons for choosing certain attire are namely to be everyones eye candy bc frankly i dont even liked to be looked at.

The only thing i concern myself with when dressing is that everything matches and i dont look fat .
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;
they do it to be a ct and for the attention.

at least that's my opinion, prove me otherwise.
maybe she was on her way to or on her way home from Bally's or NYSC.
&lt;table&gt;&lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;
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Quote:Originally posted by tinymike
This weekend, I went to my local Super Walmart to do some food shopping and pick up a few new DVD's. As browse around, I notice a young girl, maybe 19-20 years old, walking by me. she's all but about 5 foot tall with a great looking body. I say this because the clothes she wore left very very little to the imagination. A guinea white beater t-shirt. Tight white spandex shorts. No underwear. (you could tell from the camel toe).

Every guy within eye-shot of this girl was staring and she seemed to not even notice.

As I walked around doing my shopping I pondered the girl in my mind (and NO 420, not in a dirty way) Why would she dress like that? Is it to attract the attention? Is it because she's a slut? Is it because she just doesn't know any better and thinks she looks cool in it?

My question to you ladies of the board - How slutty do you dress? When? and Why?

to toucher men like us Mike -- what other reason could there be? :confused:
Like VD I keep comming back when you don't want me too!

[Image: ravencrow.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by Ronin
maybe she was on her way to or on her way home from Bally's or NYSC.

White top and bottom spandex is unacceptable anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

Just awful.
<center>[Image: ymbbox.jpg]
<font color=red><font size=3>KiSs My AsS</font></font></center>
even in the privacy of ones' own home? :confused:
Quote:Originally posted by Silera
Quote:Originally posted by Ronin
maybe she was on her way to or on her way home from Bally's or NYSC.

White top and bottom spandex is unacceptable anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

Just awful.

Silera, we are talking about a Walmart..... Spandex IS part of the dress code (especially if you have an ass in the 60's).
&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;

&lt;center&gt;Boy the way Glen Miller played,
songs that made the hit parade,
guys like us we had it made,
those were the days,
and you know where you were then,
girls were girls and men were men,
mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again,
didn't need no welfare states
everybody pulled his weight,
gee our old Lasalle ran great,
those were the days!&lt;/center&gt;

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