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Vampchick is a bitch's some advice for you:

1. Be careful what you wish for
2. Don't play with fire, you'll get burnt
3. Expect the unexpected when you least expect it......

See you in Paramus "big man".

(and for the record - don't u2u me anymore. I won't respond. if you have something to say, say it public and stop being a fuckin hypocrate. you seem to have no problems airing other peoples things out in public.)
who I am is not important. It's what I know that is.............
alright, your in paramus. i still dont know a mike in paramus. we're in public now, lets here all about how you know me
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Snootchie Bootchies? Who the fuck talks like that that is fuckin baby talk</center>
what do you know. you know i bad mouthed someone online, and now your gonna go cry to my daddy. thats what i know. educate me
<center><img src=""</img>
Snootchie Bootchies? Who the fuck talks like that that is fuckin baby talk</center>
I smell a boxing match.
<center>[Image: alkeysalsa.jpg]</center>
<font color=red><marquee>You ain't no motha'fuckin' bully... and I ain't bowin' to no motha'fuckin' bully... I won't allow it ain't gon' cowar to no bully, I'll be damned if I don't stand up to a bully... fight like a man and throw my hands up to a bully...</font></marquee>
if this pussy tells me who and where he is and why he feels a need to cry to my step dad, ill box him
<center><img src=""</img>
Snootchie Bootchies? Who the fuck talks like that that is fuckin baby talk</center>
you're a dense little piece of shit, aren't you? Let me sum this up for you:

1. You've been asked several times to cut the shit, yet you continue
2. You seem to be concerned about how I know you, but yet you still continue to fuck with me.

I am the ALL KNOWING ONE. I see all, I hear all, I know all......and what I know is what you should fear.

That's what you should really be concerned with.

I bid you a'deau mon ami!
Quote:Had him.

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see mike, you wanna say be tough and do this in public. and you know me, but you still wanna hide behind the computer. tell me who you are and we'll settle this like men
<center><img src=""</img>
Snootchie Bootchies? Who the fuck talks like that that is fuckin baby talk</center>
How can you settle it "like men" when you seem like just a little boy?
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;; border=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;/center&gt;

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