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Kid Toucher Priests and Catholic Bashing
I wasn't sure what forum to put this in so I figured here would be good.

So I'm surfing away earlier and I zip over to another O n A related site. I got linked to the Catholic League site. It mentions how they were responsible for O n A getting kicked off the air. They try in this article to say how it's only a few priests who have been accused of molesting kids and how everyone is anti Catholic. They also try to say that Priests aren't the only ones who have abused kids. It's a LOT of damage control.

So I'm looking at this and saying to myself, "How many kids or adults have not come forward??" "Why was the problem never dealt with earlier?" "Why the fuck were these priests not turned over to the authorites years ago??" And my final question about the kid toucher Priests, as opposed to Rabbis or Muslim Imams is, "How often do you hear about Rabbis or other religious ministers being charged with sexual abuse??" Not as often as Catholic Priests, and when it happens, the shit is dealt with right away and not swept under the rug and the offending douchebag sent to another church.

They also go off on the media and TV for ripping the church a new one. It's not anti-catholic bias, it's TV shows taking real stories and making an episode out of it. They also mention how Bill Maher and Dave Letterman(neither of whom I find funny BTW) regularly went off on them. Gee, too fuckin bad, apparently people can't take a joke or ten. Maybe if Pope John Paul II or his subordinates, who let's face it, probably wield the real power in the Church since old JP can't brush his teeth without help, had cleaned house and brought some of these scumbags to the cops instead of covering it up, maybe we wouldn't have these problems. They also go on to say how the Catholic Church has done so many good things and that not all Priests are kid touchers, maybe so, but as I learned in the service, one Aww Shit will always wipe out an Atta Boy, no matter how many you have.

I guess I am just sickened at what I see being done by a church I was baptized into and served as an altar boy(insert joke here). So sickened that I haven't been to Mass regularly since I'm maybe 17 or 18.

In a final note, for those of you who ripped into them for getting our boys taken off the air, Keep up the Good Work and Keep the Army marching.

Oh yeah look at this.
Quote: We do not ask the government to censor

Which is exactly what they did to our boys. They had them shut down cause they did something the Catholic league didn't like. How the fuck can these people go off on a couple having sex in a church when worse crimes were commited and covered up by THEIR OWN CLERGY??!?!?!?
I'm not quite there yet
[Image: Riptide.jpg]
Believe the Hype, Bitch!!!!
Quote:Originally posted by JimmyBlueEyes
How the fuck can these people go off on a couple having sex in a church when worse crimes were commited and covered up by THEIR OWN CLERGY??!?!?!?
The sad thing is I don't think they believe what they do is wrong. I mean if there wasn't a public outcry about these molestations, I think the church wouldn't do a damn thing about their clergy. The only reason they have done anything is out of fear of the backlash they would receive from the public.

All of this makes me sick! :barf:
<center>[Image: FOM.jpg]</center>
Ecccchh. All organized religions are the exact same. They all want to put out an aura of morality and goodness, but they are run by humans, who by our very nature are fallible and prone to doing rather immoral and/or selfish things.

The Catholic Church tries to preach that we should love one another, and if two people truly love each other, they should stand before God and consecrate their union...

unless of course, those two people happen to be the same gender. Then it is a sin, an affront to God. What happened to love having no boundaries? In a society where one-half (just about EXACTLY ONE-HALF) of all man-woman marriages end in divorce, you would think we could all be happy that some folks actually want to get hitched for the long haul.

The Pope comes out and denounces the war against Iraq, saying we're fighting for what? Land? Oil? Odd how those four little <s>Crusades</s> wars the Church launched against these same Arab people for wealth are always omitted from Church history.

And don't even get me fukin' started on the Jews.

Did you know that the Jewish Anti-Defamation League is trying to stop Mel Gibson from releasing his movie about Jesus, because it portrays them in a bad light, given that they are the ones who gave Him over to the Romans? Why is it they don't want that little bit of history dredged up, but woe is us if we <i>ever</i> try to forget the Holocaust. As if only Jews were the only ones ever victimized in history.

Shall I even get started on Islam? I think we all know what pretty much went wrong there.
<center><IMG SRC="" alt="Are you pondering what I'm pondering?" height=250 width=250></center><br />
<br />
<marquee behavior=alternate> <A href="mailto:[email protected]"><center><i>"ARE YOU PONDERING WHAT I'M PONDERING?"</i></center></a></marquee><br /><a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=DarkMoonchild23&Message=NARF!!!!!"><center>I think so, Brain...</center></a><br /><i><font color=4e4e4e>I'll conquer the world long before Kingpin ever finds "Pinky"</i></font><br /><font color=white><b><i>Now, I must return to the Lab to prepare for tomorrow night...</b></i></font><font color=4d4d4d size=-5>
I'm with you on all of it except for the gay marriages. That's something I actually have a problem with. I'm not anti-gay or anything but I worry about how it will affect the kids that they adopt.

Religion, for the most part, is a crutch for those who can't stand on their own two feet. While I believe in God and Guardian Angels and ghosts, I don't need to live my life by every single edict they foster upon us. And if you want to see how fucked up Organized religion is, check out this site:
You're gonna love this

I especially like the part in the God Hates America section where they say that the innocents who were killed on the 11th were either gay or gay enablers who deserved to die.

Thank God or whatever that these jackoffs aren't in the majority or we'd all be fucked. In the ass probably.
I'm not quite there yet
[Image: Riptide.jpg]
Believe the Hype, Bitch!!!!
Just some fun quotes I found in the article.

Quote:The establishment clause of the First Amendment was written primarily to keep the government from encroaching on religion.

Unsurprisingly, they got it ass backwards.

Quote:While no one can say for sure how priests compare to their counterparts in other religions (or to school teachers, social workers and psychologists)

No one can say for sure because there's no way of knowing how many cases you covered up. Also, when a school teacher, social worker or psychologist does it, their supervisory boards don't transfer them somewhere else in hope that it goes away. They fire them, and don't aid in hiding a criminal.

Quote:They explicitly said they had no interest in obtaining the personnel records of any clergymen save Catholics. Ditto for teachers and other professionals who work with youngsters.

Because they require such things for teachers BEFORE they are allowed to be put in such a situation.

Quote:On September 11, 2001, we were bombed by 19 Muslim men and the first thing out of everyone's mouth was let's not generalize about all Muslims. Fine. But why wasn't this same standard applied to priests in 2002?

Did they happen to miss the huge Muslim backlash :confused: How could they, they were watching the same comedians and shows that they said slammed the church?

Quote:The amount and variety of hate mail we received as a result of getting this show kicked off the air was astonishing. We've never seen anything like it.

I'm so proud of you guys Confusedniffle:

Quote:There are so many sick minds out there it is unbelievable

Yes, and many of them are priests :rofl:

Sorry, I couldn't make it through to the end of the piece without having a Lewis Black seizure episode.
Quote:Originally posted by JimmyBlueEyes
I'm with you on all of it except for the gay marriages. That's something I actually have a problem with. I'm not anti-gay or anything but I worry about how it will affect the kids that they adopt.
Gay couples are already allowed to adopt.

<img src=>

How else would you explain <i>this</i> show? :lol:
<center><IMG SRC="" alt="Are you pondering what I'm pondering?" height=250 width=250></center><br />
<br />
<marquee behavior=alternate> <A href="mailto:[email protected]"><center><i>"ARE YOU PONDERING WHAT I'M PONDERING?"</i></center></a></marquee><br /><a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=DarkMoonchild23&Message=NARF!!!!!"><center>I think so, Brain...</center></a><br /><i><font color=4e4e4e>I'll conquer the world long before Kingpin ever finds "Pinky"</i></font><br /><font color=white><b><i>Now, I must return to the Lab to prepare for tomorrow night...</b></i></font><font color=4d4d4d size=-5>
No I think you missed my point, bro. I am not saying they shouldn't be allowed to adopt, but how it could affect the children. Make them more tolerant (which I would hope), or turn them into serious deviants.
I'm not quite there yet
[Image: Riptide.jpg]
Believe the Hype, Bitch!!!!
For another view on the Catholic Church and their heavy-handed manner of handling their private affairs once they become public, try to get your hands on a copy of the movie "The Magdalene Sisters."

[Cue Music] What if god were one of us...
&lt;IMG SRC=&quot;;&gt;&lt;IMG SRC=&quot;;&gt;

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