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Tough Crowd
What do you think of the show? When Norton, Vos, And Patrice are on, It reminds me of the good old days. (Man do I stink!!!)Cool
It would be much better if Colin Quinn wasn't the host.
[Image: 2girls.jpg]
yeah, colin is funny as hell, as a guest only. as a host he fails miserably. he stammers over his words worse then i do after a massive bong hit
[Image: saturday123.jpg]
It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious
What IS the deal with Colin? He isn't funny, flubs his lines and has a smarmy, self0important smirk! Norton is the ONLY thing that makes me watch that show!
When is this on? What channel?
nothing here...
Monday through Thursday, 11:30pm, Comedy Central.

And Colin wouldn't be too bad, if he'd just let the bad jokes go instead of taking huge pauses, waiting for pity laughter.
It really hurts me when he stammers all over the joke and drains it of any funny it had to begin with.
<center>[Image: ymbbox.jpg]
<font color=red><font size=3>KiSs My AsS</font></font></center>
I saw this the other night when he had Vos, Lil' Jimmy, and Patrice on. My feeling still remains...Vos, no matter where, is teh unfunney. Norton killed as usual.
I'm not quite there yet
[Image: Riptide.jpg]
Believe the Hype, Bitch!!!!
I talked to Norton afew weeks ago and said how amazing it would be if colin got either op or ant to appear on the show...his response "Hes working on it"
old hags gave opie a boner
I enjoy this show tremendously. I went to a taping of it, and even got to meet Norton! He was really cool. We also met Denis Leary that night.

Sometimes you watch the show and wonder how it could possilbly be allowed to continue, but at other times it all falls together and you know.

Lewis Black fucking killed on it, too.

Oh yeah, and since this is my first post on this new "old board," let me just say hello to all. Nice to see some of you again.
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