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Cali girl - I'm not disputing you for mod. may I remind you who the originator of that idea was?

My post was about ken starting this post in general. He's nothing more than an ignorant red assed monkey who does what he sees others do and eventually gets bored with it and moves on to his next trick.
<center>[Image: grumpsig.jpg]</center>
Ok. Just makin sure...Big Grin
<img src="" border="0">

A red X just for Amy to touch...
smooches babe...... :kiss:

I posted that pic of sushi in the retards FU thread and now I really want sushi damn it......Maybe I'll go to Mount Fuji tonight with the family. That's always a blast....
<center>[Image: grumpsig.jpg]</center>
Quote:may I remind you who the originator of that idea was?

Grumpy you are such a cliche.
Kindred offered oral upon being a mod
My Thread was up two minutes later.
the time of my thread is identical to the time of your post.

so get off the soap box,
I am tired of looking at your face.
okay mr. originality. Whatever you so......
How about ya start a lunch thread again? that went over a fart in church.
Or maybe you can a start a "Who would do Ken thread?". That should get about 2 serious responses.
Or maybe you can humilate yourself again with a "who's my next u2u stalking victim" thread.....

fuckin imbecile......
<center>[Image: grumpsig.jpg]</center>
good boy grumpy,
never let facts get in your way......

I was being generous with you too.
Cause my thread was up before your post.
and my dick is bigger than yours....
and I can piss further than you can....
and hottie likes me more than she does you.....

Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes

I love the fact that everytime I make a reference to anything slightly associated with anything that would interest you, you jump all over it....very pavlovian of you.... Your instinctive nature of being confrontational with me amuses me little boy. What I find really amusing is that you've tried every approach to get to me and yet you fail.....and deep down inside that just bugs the fucking living shit out of you. You've even admitted to me in u2u and publically. You can't resist confrontation with me. Look deep inside you dipshit, you may not admit it publicly but you know I'm right.

come on about a counter post. I've got an hour or so to kill. I'll enjoy having a battle of wits with an unarmed cumstain like you.
<center>[Image: grumpsig.jpg]</center>
keep posting about me,
to prove how obsessed I am with you.
if you insist......
<center>[Image: grumpsig.jpg]</center>

the lack of appreciation my ring and thunderdome receives is quite disheartening.

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