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FU to Internet Scams
A big fat FU to these scum sucking bastids for leading me to believe even for a .000001 of a second that I could somehow escape this miserable, mundane existance that I call "my life"

I wonder how many suckers actually sent in their actual bank info.

"Dear Winner,
We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Lottery Winners International programs
held on the 5th of January 2004. Your E-mail address attached to Ticket number 0034002451-7741 with Serial number 846-006821 drew lucky numbers 4-17-31-37-42-47 which consequently won in the 2nd category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of US$ 1,500,000.00 (One Million ,Five hundred Thousand United States Dollars).This is from a total cash prize of USD$15,000,000.00 Million share among Ten International Lucky Winners in the Category A ( Plus )+ .
Be inform that your documents have to pass our Authority to obtain a clearance
which shall be attached to your Document in readiness of the subsequently
onward transfer into your nominated bank account with 24 hours of completion
of the authentication.
Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning information very confidential till your claims has been processed as the Beneficiary Certificate Ownership Winning Notification, Stamp duties and re-activation of Account of your prize /money remitted in readiness of the subsequently onward transfer into your nominated Bank Account. This is in conformity with the latest transfer regulation signed by the Organization /Netherlands Government since this is part of our Security protocol measures to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants.
All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 100,000,000 Companies and 200,000,000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world,through the aid of our insurance Company.  This promotional program takes place annually. We hope you will take part in our next year USD$45 Million International lottery.
To file for your claim, please contact our /your fiducial agent Mr WILLIAM BROWN
TEL: +31-615-380-473
FAX: +31-649-038-714
Email:[email protected]
NOTE: That all winning must be claimed not later than 10th of Feb 2004.After this date all unclaimed, funds will be included in the next stake.Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified.
Finally, we ensure that you note every letters as clearly stated as we would not be held responsible should there be hitch in this transaction due laxity on your part.So you are to expedite action ,Failure to do this we shall be compelled to lose your fund in other words,weshall divert your fund to somewhere else.In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications;Kindly remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence.
Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent as soon as possible.
Congratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you for being
part of our promotional program.
Yours Truly,
Mrs. Stella Martins,
Lottery Coordinator."
[Image: floydsig.jpg]
<marquee>We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams: Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems.</marquee>
You're a winner!
&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by GreasyItalianPrincess

Well I played it safe, I sent them your bank account info and S.S.#

Let me know how it goes :biggrin:
[Image: floydsig.jpg]
<marquee>We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams: Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems.</marquee>
I can't wait to spend my cool million.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
People in Saudi Arabi want to partner up with me and transfer millions into an account I create, and I'll get 20% when they fly over to sign off. They spam me all the time.

I'm seriously considering it.
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=;&lt;/center&gt;
there's no such thing as free money
[Image: floydsig.jpg]
<marquee>We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams: Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems.</marquee>
Did you get the Nigeria one yet???? I'm doing 4 of those. I'm gonna be rich!!!!!!
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
You should do that offer to sell you organ parts on the black market. Stop being such mooch, you don't need your kidneys heart or lungs. You can really rack up the dough! Let me know how it goes for ya!
[Image: floydsig.jpg]
<marquee>We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams: Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems.</marquee>
Quote:Originally posted by TheDude
there's no such thing as free money

Not so. Insider trading.
<img src=>

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