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It was great seeing the gang again even after all this time since the last bar9 i went to. Toronto hottie lived up to her name

I was surprised to see that you guys would come all this way. Although, i was kind of preoccupied watching those airline whores dancing around (that gave me a stiffie)hehheh
So, until the next time we get together
This one's for JimmyBlueEyes
You're a filthy whore!!!
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Had lots and lots of fun. Moreso than I expected to. Great seeing you all again.
Oh yeah, and both my big toes hurt.
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Much respect to the Moosens for coming way way out of their way to hang out and drink.
[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
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Laz: what did the five fingers say to the face?
Mike D: what?
Laz: *smack* " cold blooded"
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Quote:Originally posted by Flock of Moosen
Had lots and lots of fun. Moreso than I expected to. Great seeing you all again.
Oh yeah, and both my big toes hurt.
Why do your toes hurt? Who squished your tootsies?
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Quote:Originally posted by Black Lazerus
Laz: what did the five fingers say to the face?
Mike D: what?
Laz: *smack* \" cold blooded\"
[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
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I know I had a great time. Straight up.
Lush, glad we got to talk abit more this time around.
GMANN, you're definitely a cool fellow from what I've gathered thus far. Laz, you too sir. You can smash me over the head with a beer bottle anytime.
HB, I never knew you could shake your ass like that.
Psychomarkfan - t'was a pleasure hangin' with you.
Crack, Rape - we didn't get a chance to chat as much but still, good to have seen you both.
Silera, I missed it but damn woman, watch out for them doors!
The Moosens - Nothing but love for you two. Thank you for coming out and being a part of the feastivities.
Alkey - you're such a good egg for bringing this board to life and making nights like Saturday night possible.
Robi and Chick - I know you guys didn't know many of those who attended but I for one was damn glad that you guys came on by. Maybe next time, that sick lil bitch/punkass Ollie will make it.
Bite - You drove me crazy like, 27 times over the course of the entire weekend but, it's always good to see you.
Jimmy - Lookin' forward to taking a few more car rides with you, as we blast some Slayer along the way. And thanks for playing tour guide; much appreciated
GIP, Dude - thanks again to you both for your hospitality. You both made my cameo to St. James possible. Can't thank you both enough for I would have hated to have missed out on seeing my canadian lady.
Speaking of which...
Hottie - As always, it was great seeing you. I love you and I miss you to pieces already.
I hope to see each and every one of you at the billiard tourney and beyond. (except for Hottie 'cause I know she won't be able to attend...)
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Ahh...I'll be in better spirits next time you see me. More sleep. No alarm clock. :tongue:
And I apologize for everyone who was around me Saturday afternoon, if I seemed like a cranky bitch. :wink:
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wow, dropping the L bomb already.
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insert witty banter here
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He's smitten.
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