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We're going to a bar in Queens
I've known Hottie for a while now...not just a few months but a few years.
still too soon.... never say love unless she comes from money, or pregnant.
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You know from expierience?
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Quote:never say love unless she comes from money, or pregnant.


When I pulled out the other night, I noticed a leak in the condom.

Does that count?
Quote:Robi and Chick - I know you guys didn't know many of those who attended but I for one was damn glad that you guys came on by. Maybe next time, that sick lil bitch/punkass Ollie will make it.

Good to see you too!!!! To bad you didn't have that 10bucks!!!!!

I'm glad I got to put some names and faces together. Hopefully next time I'll stay longer!!!
New Girl in Town

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Thanks to all for making Saturday a fun night for da Moosens. It was great to see you all, and even better to drink with you!

Only one shout out since I'm posting from the ICU and it's for Hottie...

You rock girl... and btw, here's your "obligatory hello" :tongue::biggrin::wink:
&lt;center&gt;[Image: chasflag.jpg]&lt;/center&gt;
Sat night may have been one of the best eves as far as a board event, and people coming out, in quite a long time. That and just that all the great people who are great to hang out with came out.

Those who stayed over..thank you for coming out and you are all welcome anytime. It was a pleasure to have you.

Great time, great weekend.

TheDude and I will have to plan out more excursions with the Queens crew...that was fun, and sorry we couldn't continue it further Sunday AM.

[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
Quote:TheDude and I will have to plan out more excursions with the Queens crew...that was fun, and sorry we couldn't continue it further Sunday AM.


What the hell was going on up there?
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orgy in the hojo motelroom. alkey was sending out invites.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
Damnit we routed our mail to the new apartment and we still haven't moved in. My invite must be over there waiting for me. :disappointed:
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