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The Sopranos - Season 5
Gee another stellar episode last night. . . .Rolleyes
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Quote:Originally posted by Grizzly
Gee another stellar episode last night. . . .Rolleyes

Yeah, there were really only two good parts in it. Tony chasing Phil Leotardo down the street causing Phil to crash his car and Tony seeing the picture of the dog while fucking Valentina and getting so mad he started slamming her hard. Aside from that it was another borefest.
It's a shame because people were expecting this episode to be good due to the fact that it was directed by Steve Buscemi and written by Terence Winter. These two were the ones who did that Pine Barrens episode back in Season 3 which many consider to be one of the best episodes ever.

Did anyone else think Tony was gonna nail his father's old mistress? I did and I sat there cringing the whole episode waiting for it to happen.
<center>[Image: FOM.jpg]</center>
Mister are you alright, listen you fuck you better have my money.
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/center&gt;&lt;/b&gt;
Quote:Originally posted by Black Lazerus
Mister are you alright, listen you fuck you better have my money.
Line of the night.
&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;
Mortal Kombat Grand Champion
Quote:Originally posted by Flock of Moosen
Quote:Originally posted by Grizzly
Gee another stellar episode last night. . . .Rolleyes

Did anyone else think Tony was gonna nail his father's old mistress? I did and I sat there cringing the whole episode waiting for it to happen.

I was fearing the worst as well.
When she went into her version of "Happy Birthday Mr. President"...the next scene I expected to see was Tony tagging her. Im glad he didnt..I would have lost the small amount of interest I have left in the show if he did.
&quot;I keep the bible in a pool of blood so that none of its lies can affect me&quot;
Quote:Tony chasing Phil Leotardo down the street causing Phil to crash his car

I liked that scene cause it was in Queens. I was looking for places I knew. I know....lame.
[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
Quote:Originally posted by GMANN
Quote:Tony chasing Phil Leotardo down the street causing Phil to crash his car

I liked that scene cause it was in Queens. I was looking for places I knew. I know....lame.

Most of that was shot on Grand Ave around 71st St. in Maspeth. The pizza place Leotardo was leaving is called Maspeth Pizza. I work in the area and eat there all the time. I saw the scene filmed as well. The spot of the crash is,I think, is on Flushing Ave near Fresh Pond Rd.
&quot;I keep the bible in a pool of blood so that none of its lies can affect me&quot;
[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
[Image: ep59_funeral.jpg]
a fucking weak episode but it still
beats anything else on tv
Steve Buscemi is a great actor and all but to me he just doesnt fit. Was it just me or did he look really really outta place standing between Tony and Bobby at that funeral ??
[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]

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