06-23-2004, 05:03 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Black Lazerus
even with all of this he is still more respected than bush.... that says a lot about bush.
and btw it's conspiracy you uneducated republican dolt.
Ah yes, I'm not used to spelling that word conspiracy since I rarely use it. I guess liberals know how to spell in their sleep.
But as you can see, Black Lazerus chose not to debate the facts that I laid out and instead chose to make a claim based on his own opinion that Clinton is more respected than Bush...well, how can you substanciate this claim? How can you defend Clinton by not making the attempt to discredit the content of my post but instead pose an attack on something as inane as approval rating? Polls are not credible! If they were, wouldn't we all be asked?
Calling me an uneducated dolt...hmmm, I misspelled a word and you chose to take umbrage with me, forming an opinion that I am uneducated because of something as trivial as a misspelled word. This really is no different than how the democrats and liberals consider President Bush an idiot because he mispronounces words. Apparently in your view, stage presence beats out anything of substance. In that case Clinton is the greatest President of all time.
I'll hang up and listen to the answer.