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PIW debut show, July 16th...yeah I'm on it.
-Thanks, Alkey.

Politcally Incorrect Wrestling makes it pro debut, Friday July 16th at the ECPW school in Lake Hiawatha, NJ with a 7pm belltime.

Visit PIW's website for directions and other info.

I'm part of the Lucha Libre trios match, I figure it won't be difficult to recognize my name. So if you're in the tri state area, by all means show up, tickets are probably dirt cheap. If you confirm that you're coming I'll try to see if I can definately hold some tickets for you.

PS, rest assured this will 5x better than the garbage on television.
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PIW debut show, July 16th...yeah I\'m on it. - by Hasegawa - 06-23-2004, 06:37 AM

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