06-23-2004, 09:25 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Roop
[quote]Originally posted by Black Lazerus
Sorry I must have missed that in that convoluted mess you called a post.
First off we know that Afghanistan was responsible for the attacks on 9/11.
(WRONG! Afghanistan didn't attack us on 9/11. Al Quada attacked us)
did i miss something
The Afghan people were sidelined on all of this. They weren't supporting terror, their govt, run by a select few were.
is this not the same thing we are dealing with in IRAQ.... According to Bush and his people Saddam was the Problem not the people.
Quote:We should have concentrated on Invading Afghanistan and converting it into a democratic country.
We would have showed them the might of our army and showed the futility of attacking us.
Then we should have rebuilt the country and showed them how prosperous they would become if they cooperated with us and handled things in a respectful manner.
(no shit Sherlock, this is what we're doing in the middle east!)
You are a fucking waste of my time... do you not understand that middle east as a whole did not attack us.
Afghanistan attacked us, I don't care if not everyone believed in it or not but their government attacked us.
Quote:Our reasons to go to war with Iraq was because in the wake of 9/11, previous intelligence had been going around that Saddam had been trying to re-start a nuclear program (originally thwarted in '82 by Israel) and was also harboring terror cells with intent to use chemical weapons against US interests (Israel, Kuwait, as well as other OPEC nations, and the US itself).
Sounds like the yellow cake story, from Africa.
I would love to find out the source of that in accurate piece of bullshit you posted. I am sure it's from an unbiased source.
Saddam, bin Laden were opponents
June 23, 2004
IT IS incredible that after the report of a bipartisan commission, after reports from the CIA and FBI, and even after President Bush's own televised admission to the contrary, Cheney-Bush supporters uphold the inference that Saddam Hussein was somehow responsible for Sept. 11 ("Sept. 11 chair defines Iraq, Qaeda contact" Page A1, June 21).
http:// http://www.boston.com/news/globe...opponents/
<center><img src="http://scripts.cgispy.com/image.cgi?u=BlackLazerus2"></center></b>