06-27-2004, 11:41 AM
I love these foreign scamming bastards:
Quote:Keven Cotton,$
Govenment don't want me to sell
UndergroundCD !Check Your spouse and staff
Investigate Your Own CREDIT-HISTORY
hacking someone PC!Get a new passport!
Disappear in your city
,hearsay ,shade
,athena ,adult .
Quote:kune fimafey a3 tandgrisnir Oh, if you don't want to go, began Rob, I can easily-- But I do! I do! I do! cried the little man, interrupting him
I shall die if you leave me behind! Well, then, get your ropes, and we'll do the best we can, said the boy
Here he found Dorothy seated beside a young girl so marvelously beautiful that the boy stopped suddenly with a gasp of admiration