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Insulation....has anyone else noticed this???
My neighborhood growing up was your typical American group of kids just trying to keep from getting bored.

We'd have Dirt Bomb fights, Jail break games, pickup games of any sport played in the street, bike riding, and of course just screwing around.

I must have put 5000 miles on my bike when I was younger. That damn thing took me absolutely everywhere. On Rainy days we had Nintendo and later Sega for the lucky kids.

A few times a year there would be a massive falling out among friends and someone inevitably went home crying as a result of teasing or a fistfight.

We also had the pyro kid. He always took vacations to the Carolinas and came home just loaded with fireworks and other explosives. I don't know how we didn't end up losing fingers and shit from these forays into explosives.

I also live very close to a golf course. When we were younger we would set out on day long treks of hiking in the woods surrounding the golf course. We'd wear camo pants and shirts and hide in the underbrush near a green. When a golfball rolled onto the green one of us would sprint out, pick up the ball, and throw it as far as we could back at the golfer. They'd just stand there in shock heh. Many of the cops I now work with chased me through those very woods when the golfers finally had it. We never did get caught.

Kids today SUCK! They'd rather play Final Fantasy than get up off their asses and do something. TV and shit is the easy way to keep busy, but it's not ever fun. Kids today are more concerned with being bored than being happy.

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Insulation....has anyone else noticed this??? - by EffinC - 06-11-2004, 08:33 PM

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