06-14-2004, 03:38 PM
The 9-11 commission will show that it was the fault of the Bush Administration, the Clinton Administration, the airlines, the FBI, CIA and other inelligence agencies. As much as the public hearings of the commission try to poin the blame at one person, their sole purpose is to find out all that went wrong so it doesn't happen again.
9-11 would have happened regardless of whether Bush won, GOre won or somehow Clinton stayed on for a third term. Whoever was in office would have dropped the ball.
Where it all differs from different administrations, i truly believe, if Gore were in office or if this happened when Clinton was in office we would have been attacked again shortly after maybe smaller scale maybe on the same scale.
It's remarkable what a crappy job Bush is doing, meanwhile, we haven't been attacked again on our own soil or on such a similar scale abroad. The fight is being kept where it belongs. In the Middle East.
Stick hundreds of thousands of troops in one giant chaotic nation that's where the terrorists will migrate to. Not exactly a great plan or not exactly planned. Either way it's better over there than here.
This all said, there will be another attack over here. It's only a matter of time. ANd it will happen regardless of who is the president or who is in charge of homeland security or the FBI or CIA. There's only so much shit you can stop from happening in such a free nation.
9-11 would have happened regardless of whether Bush won, GOre won or somehow Clinton stayed on for a third term. Whoever was in office would have dropped the ball.
Where it all differs from different administrations, i truly believe, if Gore were in office or if this happened when Clinton was in office we would have been attacked again shortly after maybe smaller scale maybe on the same scale.
It's remarkable what a crappy job Bush is doing, meanwhile, we haven't been attacked again on our own soil or on such a similar scale abroad. The fight is being kept where it belongs. In the Middle East.
Stick hundreds of thousands of troops in one giant chaotic nation that's where the terrorists will migrate to. Not exactly a great plan or not exactly planned. Either way it's better over there than here.
This all said, there will be another attack over here. It's only a matter of time. ANd it will happen regardless of who is the president or who is in charge of homeland security or the FBI or CIA. There's only so much shit you can stop from happening in such a free nation.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/wilbraforce/sigs/headersig.jpg">