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Clinton's portrait to be unveiled Monday, First by black artist
The UN should be told to go fuck themselves as many times as possible.

Yes it was bad to not have an exit plan as was it bad to not think we could have cleared throug there so fast.

Never claimed victory.

Mission accomplished sign taken out of context as it was pronouncing that particular carrier's mission being accomplished as they were going home.

Osama bin laden is either completely out of the area which would suck or completely bogged down in a hut or cave on a mountain.

I think we shoulda went into Japan in the 40s destroyed them and in late 1945 shift all of our troop focus to Germany, wait France, wait I mean England to push the nazis out. Not the greatest analogy I know. No war ever waged in the time to come will look like anything waged before.

Some UN inspectors are now saying that wmd may have been moved out of country as late as right as the war was starting. Point being no body really knows what might have happened. Nobody knows what really was happening.

I say while we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan we should push it out further towards North Korea. If there ever is a nuke explosion in our country North Korea's dealings will probably have had a hand in that. Well since it's not coming from Iraq We know that to be certain now.
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Clinton\'s portrait to be unveiled Monday, First by black artist - by header - 06-14-2004, 04:43 PM

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