06-14-2004, 04:58 PM
Quote:The US has the right to do whatever it wants as long as the overall government facility has its particular say and vote about it (and that isn't even always the standard).
it's attitudes like that that make everyone hate us. you need to wake up.
Quote:Common misonception. Sure Bush had hopes that a democracy would be put into their new system to benefit us. However, as much as in picking those interim leaders to set up the government would have helped that, the new government very much could have opted for communism or any such thing. And with elections within a year, the people could pretty much vote in people that hate America. It's not a puppet government in the long run. It could backfire on us. The point is in ousting Saddam and putting in this interim government who is bringing them a free election where they dont have to worry about getting their heads chopped off for voting for the 'wrong guy', we essentially gave them some idea of freedom.
That being said I think I might move to Iraq to take advantage of their flat tax.
You have to be naive if you don't think that the new govenment is anything but a puppet govement for our own selfish needs.
<center><img src="http://scripts.cgispy.com/image.cgi?u=BlackLazerus2"></center></b>