06-15-2004, 11:56 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Hawt Baux
It's not even the end of Jume yet. alot of people who aren't naturally tan, or tan easily are still pasty.
You should go back to a tanning place and tell them what happened, they give you a bronzing cream to apply everywhere beforehand. Plus, if it's your first time going to tan ever or since the season has started you're only supposed to be in there under 10 minutes, depending on your skin tone possibly less.
I'm ascaird. I was in 8 minutes last time I think. They put me in a stronger bed because I had somewhat of a base. I friggin fried. That's why I was looking for self-tanners.
Do you think my boss would mind if I told him I was going to sit outside for an hour every day to work on my tan?
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