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Mel Karmazin As Viacom President
Karmazin is easily the best executive out there in radio. He's got a proven track record of earning money and signing talent.

He's a hardliner, who was never known to back down (O&A excluded) in the face of machinegunning from the media or industry "insiders".

If you ask me, there is either some form of massive movement inside of infinity to buckle under the FCC heat and he simply couldn't be a part of such a pussy move........or else he has the 6th sense of knowing when to call it a day.

I don't think Mel will be dormant very long. It's well known he wasn't happy with the power struggle at Infinity, despite the fact that he is lightyears more qualified than any of the "company men" who have been handpicked over him throughout the years. Now Redstone's daughter is manuevering to take what is rightfully his? Fuck that, punch out.

Where ever he goes, he's going to stomp CBS/Infinity at the end of the day. The people Infinity install as GM's and PD's are just comical, and they're new-age "Have 1 GM run 3-5 STATIONS!" way of doing business is a blatant act of corner cutting. If the guy is a dipshit, he'll be a dipshit in several cities.

Him moving to satellite radio would only guarantee the medium as being a contender in the future.

Messages In This Thread
Mel Karmazin As Viacom President - by armymad - 06-01-2004, 09:28 PM
Mel Karmazin As Viacom President - by EffinC - 06-01-2004, 10:50 PM
Mel Karmazin As Viacom President - by diceisgod - 06-01-2004, 10:51 PM
Mel Karmazin As Viacom President - by EffinC - 06-02-2004, 11:07 PM

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