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Now they find problems w/NYC's water...
Quote:Originally posted by EffinC
It all comes down to this. Airplanes make noise, Motorcycles make noise, dogs make noise, cars make noise, helicopters make noise, police cars and fire engines make noise, and evidently so do the heebs.

Big fucking deal. So for maybe, 1 minute every week the little world some people live in is inconvenienced. Boo fucking hoo. Hard to believe that these are the same people who held together during 9/11, and kept their shit together during the black out.....yet they can't stomach some noise on a Friday.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of the Yamikazes...but come on. Petty bullshit.

On the same token, the yids bitching about the water fits in the category of senseless pissing and moaning.

If you only lived here you would understand....
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Now they find problems w/NYC\'s water... - by BITENY - 06-04-2004, 05:38 AM

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