05-22-2003, 10:48 PM
Quote:Originally posted by fhore twentee
There should be enough security and trust within the relationship that whenever one says \"hey, I'm gonna go hang with my friends tonight\" the other should be like \"cool, we'll talk tommorrrow, have fun...call me when you get in IF you want to. otherwise, we'll talk tommorrow\"
There definetely is that, we respect eachother enough to know and understand when one needs to just have personal time. I didn't mean it necessarily as "oh ok we'll hangout monday wednesday and saturday" i meant it more of when(if it does because certain people are different inr elationships) does it get to the point where you're almost feeling smothered and just need to take a time out.
If my bf ever reads this i think he will shit himself. :lol::lol: