05-22-2003, 11:08 PM
Quote:You know, given the amount of advertsing that Pinnacle did with O&A, maybe their original plan was to have it be the \"Official Drink Of The Opie & Anthony Show,\" but when they kicked off the air and/or O&A told them it was a stupid idea, they just couldn't come up with anything better and just used it.
you know, I am a fan of "conspiracy theories" and that is definitely a solid one.
and seriously though...do you think Pinnacle would have used such a similar logo unless they thought they
A)could get away with it or
B)actually have the rights to use it?
so ultimately, it becomes a question of "who owns that infamous WOW logo"? and also, there has to be some sort of slight alteration so it can be argued in court that the 2 may be similar but may not be the exact same logo.
You know, the Vanilla Ice/David Bowie "Under Pressure" arguement...