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O&A meet with Sirius Satellite Radio...
Quote:I think the FCC rules only apply to free air. I'm pretty sure even cable TV isn't under FCC control, but most stations choose to follow the guidelines. That's how something like the South Park \"shit\" episode becomes possible.

That's mostly true, but like all else in tv world, it all depends on advertising. Generally speaking, if you're a cable channel that doesn't have sex and profanity, more companies would be willing to advertise on the channel. So as a result, most channels choose to impose the FCC standards with the hope that they can make more money with the advertising. In the case of South Park, the advertisers on the show are basically aware of what goes on and they continue to sell the spots because of its popularity. That's why it gets more leeway with outrageous material, but guys like Steven Lynch still get bleeped during their comedy specials.

Messages In This Thread
O&A meet with Sirius Satellite Radio... - by Six-Pack - 05-23-2003, 12:56 PM
O&A meet with Sirius Satellite Radio... - by JJ - 05-23-2003, 12:59 PM

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