05-28-2003, 05:03 PM
Quote:Originally posted by tinymike
For years, men have tried to figure out the neverending puzzle of how women think.
A question for the ladies, why is it that women take great pride in \"training\" their boyfriends and what they like and how they like it, and the rules of their relationship, and JUST when the poor slob thinks he's got it figure out, they change the rules?
A very good friend of mine recently thought he had his girlfriend's habits all figured out. What she eats, what she likes, what she wants, etc.....and then BAMMMMMMM.....she dumps him because he doesn't \"understand her\".
she lied...that wasn't issue. there was something else. They tend to go to the standards, b/c they are confused as well. There could have been another guy, who understood her better (which also could just mean, she was willing to be more flexible b/c of more attraction, etc). What they say, and what it means doesn't always coincide...why, b/c they get stuck on "how it will look", "he won't understand", "this will hurt him", "i don't want to admit this" etc, etc, etc. And guys do it too. They just instead of finding lame excuses, usually avoid calling, becoming a heel, etc...in order not to face it. Both lie to one another, and both lie to themselves...men and women are more alike in that than anyone realizes. However, the intentions and the results differ.