06-03-2003, 01:53 PM
I am REALLY feeling old for a month now,
I have phantom injuries to my knee and shoulder.
I played some baseball over the weekend and felt a little sore on monday.
the topper was I went to a garden store to get some grub killer (a thing an old guy does right?)
and the fucking teen girl at the counter asked if I needed help getting the bags to my car....
I wigged out!
"Do I really LOOK THAT old" I said.... coughing and hacking from the exersion.
I have phantom injuries to my knee and shoulder.
I played some baseball over the weekend and felt a little sore on monday.
the topper was I went to a garden store to get some grub killer (a thing an old guy does right?)
and the fucking teen girl at the counter asked if I needed help getting the bags to my car....
I wigged out!
"Do I really LOOK THAT old" I said.... coughing and hacking from the exersion.