06-04-2003, 02:19 AM
You are only as old as you feel. Considering I am in better shape now than I was at 21 (okay, not by much, but I do run a 9 minute and change mile), have a pretty good job and no problems with my lounges, I can't complain.
I don't mind the sir bit, I got used to it when I was in uniform. And I usually use the term "Miss" rather than "Ma'am" - and it usually generates a nice smile.
Age is just a number, pain is weakness leaving the body, and Im sure there are more cliches you can add. But the beauty of the cliche is it usually stems from truth.
I don't mind the sir bit, I got used to it when I was in uniform. And I usually use the term "Miss" rather than "Ma'am" - and it usually generates a nice smile.
Age is just a number, pain is weakness leaving the body, and Im sure there are more cliches you can add. But the beauty of the cliche is it usually stems from truth.