06-23-2003, 04:31 PM
Quote:It is the babblings of a hyper mind and conveys nothing to the reader except that feeling a puppy gets when s/he hears a high pitched noise and her/his head tilts to the side.
I guess Vees' initial post REALLY got to Sloats, huh? :lol:
and such focus on being multi-centric...
you would think that you too sloats could maybe be multicentric and try to appreciate the angle from whence Vee was writing from. Yes? No? maybe?
"not everything that is created or is the sum of someone's experiences can be called art. It must attain a certain level of consciousness and expressiveness."
excellent point I must say. However, being "multi-centric" - it may be a flaming brown paper bag filled with dog poo to you but to someone else, it could be called "art".
Thats the beauty of it all...art...music...posts on a message board - it's value to each individual is purely SUBJECTIVE.