06-24-2003, 05:50 PM
Quote:You disagree with Bill O'Reilly's views? OK, I understand that you might disagree with the whole shock jock thing, but in my opinion. a lot of what he says is good common sense and information so obvious that most people should know it, but really don't.The shock jock thing was just one example, I thought it to be an appropriate one to give on this board. I said I disagree with most of his views, yes. Iraq, Death Penalty, religion, to name a few. He's very authoritarian, I'm more libertarian. I disagree with most people's views most of the time - O'Reilly is really no different.
A few interesting points though...
Quote:He talks about advertisements, and how people spend without thinking or because they're thinking that they need to have what they think, based on advertisements, that everyone else has. Is that absurd?No, that's not absurd. We've become a nation of consumer robots, I guess it's an unfortunate consequence of living in a capitalist society. What I think is really interesting about this point, is that this is along the same lines of why I dislike O'Reilly and people of his ilk. Watch this:
He talks about politics, and how people watch the news/political talk shows without thinking or because they're thinking that they need to believe what the people on the TV think, based on beliefs, that they think everyone else has. Is that absurd?
The same way people are programmed to buy all the pretty products all the beautiful people on TV tell them to buy, people are programmed politically through things like the cable news channels and (non-"shock jock") talk radio.
It's not just Bill O'Reilly I have a problem with. You're a fan of his, great, more power to you. At least you're not an Ann Coulter fan - that bitch is so whacked out she makes Billy Boy look like Karl Marx in comparison.
I'm running out of time, but I do have more to say (as if anyone's actually reading this, riight...). Later.