07-11-2003, 06:29 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Toronto Hottie
FHORE: You're stupid, uneducated, minority stinking ass couldn't hand me a fucking tissue without written instructions.
you need instructions to use TISSUES??!
nice education system you guys got up there in your sad excuse of a country, deek! Poor SARS invested simpletons can't even blow thier noses or asses without instructions. awful...
Quote:Go back to your convenience store you hubcap stealing little bitch.
First off, its BODEGA...you pole smoker.
Secondly, why would I go to a convenience store to steal a hubcap? :confused: scratch that "dis" off your list hun; back to the drawing board it goes.
And you know what, I never have truely stolen a hubcap....but now, I think I finally will.
I will then return and beat you with it. A nice shiny chrome one. Don't think I won't 'cause I WILL Tie Domi your ass.